Enhanced Chocobo Renter System
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:25 pm
I've modify the chocobo renter system (based on the pxi server) with the following changes:
- Prices now fluctuate according to the number of chocobos which have been rented out and the time since the last rent (see chocobo.lua)
- Corrected bug on the call of conquest week calculation (before: every midnight of game day when the server day it's monday - after: at midnight on Monday in Japan)
- Add lua function OnGameConquestAutomatisation in automatisation.lua called every week on update conquest
- Bastok Mines
- Southern San d'Oria
- Windurst Woods
- Port Jeuno
- Lower Jeuno
- Upper Jeuno
- Tahrongi Canyon
- Konschtat Highlands
- La Theine Plateau
- Norg
- Rabao
- Kazham
- Al Zahbi
- Wajaom Woodlands
- Eastern Altepa Desert
- Yhoator Jungle
- Southern San d'Oria (S)
- Bastok Markets (S)
- Windurst Waters (S)
- Jugner Forest (S)
- Pashhow Marshlands (S)
- Meriphataud Mountains (S)
- Complete the mini-game "A Chocobo Riding Game" - I need help with the event parameters for this case
- Update every chocobo renter lua to accept Chocobo Ticket and Chocopass