Additional Effect via Scripting
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:37 pm
Okay, here it is. We discussed a few ways to attack this. It would be super dynamic if every weapon called additional effect every time but due to potential drains on the server, this is what I came up with.
Here's a bit of an explanation: I created a modifier for if an item has an additional effect or not. That mod is 411 and its value is its % chance to proc. So add the 411, along with its chance to proc to an item_mod for the item you want to have an additional effect in the item_mod.sql will make it "work." Next, on autoattacks, the code runs a rand and against your % chance to proc and if successful runs a lua call onAdditionalEffect for the item in scripts/global/items/item_name.lua. (Also, onEffectGains and onEffectLose are handled in this same .lua)
What works:
- As this is sort of testing, I didn't incorporate this into ammo yet, but could easily be done. It is called after enspells and if there are no enspells or drain sambas(which I believe is retail) it checks for additional effects.
- Animations should all work but only tested defense down
- The effects should be going on the mobs, no problem. I'm getting successful wear-off mobs and debug messages
What doesn't work:
- Ammo? Already mentioned that though.
- Obviously for damage stuff, damage math functions will need to be added somewhere especially for ammo as they follow a specific damage logic
Here's an example script.
Again, I ran into the problem of putting files in my patch that aren't part of the svn... -- List of Items that will need .lua scripts for onAdditionalEffect
Here's a bit of an explanation: I created a modifier for if an item has an additional effect or not. That mod is 411 and its value is its % chance to proc. So add the 411, along with its chance to proc to an item_mod for the item you want to have an additional effect in the item_mod.sql will make it "work." Next, on autoattacks, the code runs a rand and against your % chance to proc and if successful runs a lua call onAdditionalEffect for the item in scripts/global/items/item_name.lua. (Also, onEffectGains and onEffectLose are handled in this same .lua)
What works:
- As this is sort of testing, I didn't incorporate this into ammo yet, but could easily be done. It is called after enspells and if there are no enspells or drain sambas(which I believe is retail) it checks for additional effects.
- Animations should all work but only tested defense down
- The effects should be going on the mobs, no problem. I'm getting successful wear-off mobs and debug messages
What doesn't work:
- Ammo? Already mentioned that though.
- Obviously for damage stuff, damage math functions will need to be added somewhere especially for ammo as they follow a specific damage logic
Here's an example script.
Code: Select all
-- ID: 17605
-- Item: Acid Dagger
-- Additional Effect: Weakens Defense
-- Lowers Target Defense by 12%
package.loaded["scripts/globals/status"] = nil;
-- return subeffect animation(status.lua), message id(documention/message.log), param(number for damage or effect from status.lua)
-- onAdditionalEffect Action
function onAdditionalEffect(player,target)
if( target:hasStatusEffect(EFFECT_DEFENSE_DOWN) == true ) then -- for testing purposes so we don't get spammed with repeating data and animations
return 0,0,0;
-- onEffectGain Action
function onEffectGain(target,effect)
target:addMod(MOD_DEFP, -12);
-- onEffectLose Action
function onEffectLose(target,effect)
target:delMod(MOD_DEFP, -12);
Again, I ran into the problem of putting files in my patch that aren't part of the svn... -- List of Items that will need .lua scripts for onAdditionalEffect