Once there, there's 7 npc's. Three teleport to different nations, two sell spells, a fishing and misc vendor, and a nomad moogle.
This gets the npc's in alignment, gets rid of the mobs that spawn there, and gets rid of the explorer moogles:
Code: Select all
update npc_list set status = 2 where zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 63.75, pos_x = 0, pos_y = -2, pos_z = 17, look = 0x0100030802100220163002400250006000700000 where npcid = 29 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 95.625, pos_x = 7, pos_y = -2, pos_z = 15, look = 0x01000D05141019200C3002400250056000700000 where npcid = 32 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 31.875, pos_x = -7, pos_y = -2, pos_z = 15, look = 0x0000AA0000000000000000000000000000000000 where npcid = 33 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 191.25, pos_x = -7, pos_y = -2, pos_z = -12, look = 0x0000520000000000000000000000000000000000 where npcid = 35 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 223, pos_x = -2, pos_y = -3, pos_z = -10, look = 0x01000F0600100120013001400150006000700000 where npcid = 26 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 159, pos_x = 1, pos_y = -3, pos_z = -10, look = 0x0000470300000000000000000000000000000000 where npcid = 27 and zoneid = 1;
update npc_list set status = 0, pos_rot = 160, pos_x = 12, pos_y = -2, pos_z = -2, look = 0x0100060100100520163005400750006000700000 where npcid = 30 and zoneid = 1;
delete from mob_groups where zoneid = 1;
delete from npc_list where name = "Explorer_Moogle";
Restart and you're good to go.