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item_mods update

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:23 pm
by theRonLewis
Hi all,

I was originally planning on going through all the files that legion posted, but looks like most have been integrated, except for item_mods.

There are plenty of people on our server are hoping to have more gear working, so I was going to take on the task of checking and integrating legion's mods into ds core. But I'm noticing a few things in the current item_mods.sql and have a few questions that I would like to run by you before I dump the time into it all.

I'd like to do a cleanup first; remove most of the comments (I plan on leaving the todo/not-added comments in there obviously), and re-order all inserts so that its in order by itemid (which is how I figure it was originally based upon the comment in there, and has just since lost order as things were added but not maintained).

Then I'll add in comments on ALL lines for what the stat modifiers are, like existing comments (ex: --DEF +7) for most of the big/main modifiers. There's alot of modifiers, so they won't all get added at once, but in time (I'll use regex to add comments one modifier at a time). Then I can go about merging legion's ordered stat mods into DS core(ordered). This should make it easy to go through and see exactly what the changes are that were made w/winmerge, and also for myself and a few of the guys on our private server to go through and check all the changes.

There's a few reasons I ask. First is because I know this will probably look like a few super ugly commits, especially with the initial cleanup of the current file (should be an easy check to see if everything is OK with a temp table and a select statement - but I'm pretty confident will look like complete crap in GIT). Also didn't know if you'd be OK with pull requests to update as we're making progress, or if we should wait until its all done, etc.

Mainly just wanted to drop a line and start a conversation about this before the time gets spent. Other main reason I ask is that I know the focus of the project right now is on ToAU and WotG content, and not the newer expansions that this relates to. Once I get through this item_mod update (or checking the rest of legion's files too, if there is any of that that still needs to happen), I do plan on dipping into other parts of the project and working on the current focus.

Re: item_mods update

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:35 pm
by kjLotus
I wouldn't spent too much time with comments in a .sql file.. if there's a table change that is more easily done via exporting again, all the comments will be lost anyways

Re: item_mods update

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:24 pm
by theRonLewis
the comments will mainly be for double checking legion's changes... I'm not super keen on assuming someone else made zero mistakes and just migrating all the changes over without checking them.

Re: item_mods update

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:14 pm
by TeoTwawki
That's the main reason legion itself hasn't got it into a pull request. The files they posted to the forum are outdated, But their current server files..Its known that some are very definitely not retail, and most were never commented by the guy that did most of them (who quit legions team quite some time ago) so nobody really wants to go sift through it to find and remove the deliberate customizations they have on their server.

And I'm pretty sure the version posted to the forum had mistakes too. I know they were doing substitute mods for stuff that wasn't implemented rather than actually creating the missing modifiers even after I asked them to just make me a list of what they needed created so we could get this into DSP instead. :(

Re: item_mods update

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:08 pm
by TeoTwawki
I just saw whasf has merged some PRs that included some of legions definitely wrong info. blarg. Ron you got your work cut out for you if you really wanna do this man. ... 26827R1696

its the exact same lines commenting and all, from their old file. And its wrong in a bunch of places.

Re: item_mods update

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:34 pm
by Desufire
A GM of my server has been steady working on correcting/adding a lot of data into the item_mods. We didn't think about it at the time, but now we're creating a custom item mod sql so that I can stop having to go in and spend 5 minutes "correcting" a merge item_mods file lol.

Like Teo said about Legion's stuff, ours also has a few "not retail" lines. Things like using uncapped fast cast to act for increases spell casting or the like. We plan on submitting our list of known retail accurate (or as close to retail as possible) once we're finished. He's still wanting to finish adding items from Aby and SoA.

Re: item_mods update

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:00 pm
by whasf
I reverted that commit!

Re: item_mods update

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 7:30 am
by Desufire
Well, he said he's done for now. I'll be submitting the pull request later today after I do a bunch of reading on how to. Something I never got the hang of lol.

Re: item_mods update

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:04 pm
by Desufire
Desufire wrote:Well, he said he's done for now. I'll be submitting the pull request later today after I do a bunch of reading on how to. Something I never got the hang of lol.
So, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but every time I go to submit a Pull Request, it shows me EVERY commit I've made to every branch.

I made a new branch, only made 1 commit for the item_mods.sql, pushed it, and it's still bringing up all of the past commits I've done. So once I can figure out wtf I'm not understanding about github, I'll submit it.

Re: item_mods update

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:00 am
by TeoTwawki
Desufire wrote:
Desufire wrote:Well, he said he's done for now. I'll be submitting the pull request later today after I do a bunch of reading on how to. Something I never got the hang of lol.
So, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but every time I go to submit a Pull Request, it shows me EVERY commit I've made to every branch.

I made a new branch, only made 1 commit for the item_mods.sql, pushed it, and it's still bringing up all of the past commits I've done. So once I can figure out wtf I'm not understanding about github, I'll submit it.
All new branches on github begin life as a 100% duplicate of the master branch (your master, not DSP's master) so it would contain all of your commits to master (this is why we say not to commit to master) if you were using githubs web interface for creating the branch. If using a tool on your pc such as tortosiegit, it varies by tool. One way to ensure your new branch is starting out as a 1:1 copy of darkstars master is to simply clone a fresh copy of darkstar then force push it onto your branch. The same method can be used to "move" your current master to a new named branch and also to over-wright the master branch (careful with force pushes though - you can't undo that, and anything that was there is lost forever).