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PSA: copying stuff from other places for pull requests

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:14 pm
by TeoTwawki
If you copy the work of someone else in your pull request, make sure you check for mistakes the person/place you copied it from may have made.

And mentioning where you got the code you are using when you didn't create it yourself isn't just polite its also a good idea - if you are getting something from an ages old file on a forum or a server that has heavily custom content, odds are there are gonna be mistakes and non retail-ness in there..In some cases what you see in a forum file may be so far off from trunk that almost nothing will match and will cause crashes like modID's that don't exist causing nil values to be passed to addMod() functions so your map server GO BOOM. Most of the time authors of these ancient forum posts either aren't around anymore, don't have time to update them, or stopped caring long ago.

Additionally, if the original author is still around, theres a chance they may get very upset about not being credited. Just sayin.