More acurate old kings system
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:28 pm
Currently the way the zone scripts for behemoth/fafnir/adamantoise and their HQ versions sets their respawn timer to a random number between 21 hours and 24 hours. Well back when they did spawn, they had spawn windows every 30 minutes between 21-24 hours. So, they had a chance at spawn at 21 hours, 21.5 hours, 22 hours, 22.5 hours, 23 hours, 23.5 hours, or 24 hours. This means the script isn't exactly correct. Instead I've changed my scripts for the kings to spawn at 21 hours + 30 mins * (a random number between 0 and 6). Here is an example for behemoth's script:
Of course, the setRespawnTime commands have to be changed for the zone scripts for all of the kings and their hq counter parts.
Code: Select all
-- Area: Behemoth's Dominion
-- HNM: Behemoth
-- onMobInitialize
function onMobInitialize(mob)
-- onMobDeath
function onMobDeath(mob, killer)
-- onMobDespawn
function onMobDespawn(mob)
local Behemoth = mob:getID();
local King_Behemoth = 17297441;
local ToD = GetServerVariable("[POP]King_Behemoth");
local kills = GetServerVariable("[PH]King_Behemoth");
if (LandKingSystem_HQ == 0 or LandKingSystem_HQ == 2) then
if (ToD <= os.time(t) and GetMobAction(King_Behemoth) == 0) then
if (math.random((1),(5)) == 3 or kills > 6) then
DeterMob(Behemoth, true);
DeterMob(King_Behemoth, false);
GetMobByID(King_Behemoth):setRespawnTime(75600 + 1800 * math.random(0, 6)); --UPDATED FOR 30 MIN SPAWN WINDOWS
elseif (LandKingSystem_NQ == 0 or LandKingSystem_NQ == 2) then
mob:setRespawnTime(75600 + 1800 * math.random(0, 6)); --UPDATED FOR 30 MIN SPAWN WINDOWS
SetServerVariable("[PH]King_Behemoth", kills + 1);
elseif (LandKingSystem_NQ == 0 or LandKingSystem_NQ == 2) then
mob:setRespawnTime(75600 + 1800 * math.random(0, 6)); --UPDATED FOR 30 MIN SPAWN WINDOWS
SetServerVariable("[PH]King_Behemoth", kills + 1);
Of course, the setRespawnTime commands have to be changed for the zone scripts for all of the kings and their hq counter parts.