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General reference links, Database, accounts

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:34 am
by Delaide
Since I do not have wiki editing access (And probably would not do a good job with formatting anyways), I will just leave this here. (Will add more and update once I or someone else figure out what something is)

id: ex. 1000 - Account made in order. Starts at 1000. So, this account was the first account made on my server.
login: ex. Delaide - Account name. This is what people will enter for account name.
password: ex. *D5E09826B358AD8E83247BE78B0F2371565ED820 - Account password, stored in encrypted format.
email: ex. (nothing here) - Entry for email address, but I don't know if DPS will do anything with this.
email2: ex (nothing here) - Entry for a second email address, but I don't know if DPS will do anything with this.
timecreate: ex. 2016-01-31 02:23:29 - This shows the datestamp for when the account was originally created.
timelastmodify: ex. 2016-02-14 22:22:34 - This will show the last time the account was modified. Normally last time it was logged in.
content_ids: ex. 16 - How many characters can be made for this account. For my example, 16 different toons can be created.
status: ex. 1 - Unsure what this is for (If the account is active, a remanent from the subscription retail uses?)
priv: ex. 1 - Unsure what this variable is for.

accid: The account number that has been banned.
timebann: The time the account was banned.
timeunbann: The time the account will be unbanned.
banncomment: Any comments on the ban, like reason, will be input here.

I will need to wait and check when I have a live connection to my server to see what is generated for this and how it is generated.

Re: General reference links, Database, accounts

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:03 pm
by whasf
Thanks! I cleaned it up and added it: