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Advanced Configurations

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:11 am
by thrydwolf
*updated with newest patch on 10/10/12*
Howdy! I have tweaked my server for certain play style that me and my friends want. Some of the DS team have suggested I actually turn my tweaks into config options in settings.lua and map_darkstar.conf. It took me a while, but I finally got the first set of tweaks added. I understand that this may not be commit-able, as some may not agree that these options align to DSP goals. If that's the case, then that is fine.

This patch was created from revision 1847. Please let me know if you have any questions, or any other CONFIG requests. Thanks!!!!
(53.28 KiB) Downloaded 542 times
Here is the final list of options added/moved/changed in the settings.lua file:

Code: Select all

BASE_HP_HEAL_BONUS = 0; -- Default is 0. Adds to the default base of 10HP for resting. i.e. change to 20 to have a base heal tick of 30MP.
HP_HEAL_BONUS = 1; -- Default is 1. Multiplies the increased HP added to each resting tick. Default rest ticks are 10, 11, 12, 13 etc without any bonuses. Changing this value to 5 would cause a new rest ticks of 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.
BASE_MP_HEAL_BONUS = 0; -- Default is 0. Adds to the default base of 10MP for resting. i.e. change 20 to have a base heal tick of 30MP.
MP_HEAL_BONUS = 1; -- Default is 1. Multiplies the increased MP added to each resting tick. Default rest ticks are 10, 11, 12, 13 etc without any bonuses. Changing this value to 5 would cause a new rest ticks 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.
DISABLE_TP_LOSS = 0; -- Default is 0. Disables the 10TP lost on each tick during resting when signet is not active.

FIELD_MANUALS = 1; --Enabled Field Manuals
REGIME_WAIT = 0; --Make people wait till 00:00 game time as in retail. If it's 0, there is no wait time.
LOW_LEVEL_REGIME = 1; --Allow people to kill regime targets even if they give no exp, allowing people to farm regime targets at 75 in low level areas.
FOV_EXP_RATE   = 1.0; --Multiplies exp earned from fov.
TABS_RATE  = 1.0; --Multiplies tabs earned from fov.
FOV_GIL_RATE  = 1.000; --Multiplies gil earned from fov.
Here is the list of new options added to map_darkstar.conf:

Code: Select all

#Multiplies the distance that you can engage target. Change to 2 for double the distance. Default is 1. 
engage_dist_mod: 1

#Multiplies the distance that you can cast magic on a target. Change to 2 for double the distance. Default is 1. 
magic_dist_mod: 1

#Multiplies the distance that you can used ranged attack on a target.  Change to 2 for double the distance. Default is 1. 
ranged_dist_mod: 1

#Set to 1 to disable the delay that happens just after killing a target, or after equipping a weapon.
remove_engage_delay: 0

#Set to 1 to allow movement while casting magic.
magic_movement: 0

#Increases chance of exp mobs dropping seals or crests. Set from 0 - 60. Default is 0.
seal_crest_bonus: 0

#Allows non exp beastman mobs to drop seals and crests. Set to 1 for non exp beastman mobs to drop seals and crests. Default is 0. 
always_seal_crest: 0

#Adds to the drop rate percentage. Set to 20 to add additional %20 drop rate on items. Default 0.
drop_rate_bonus: 0

#Set to 1 to allow all mobs to drop gil. Currently does not display in-game messages for these gil drops. Default is 0. 
all_mobs_drop_gil: 0

#Multiplies the amount of gil dropped. Default is 1. 
gil_bonus: 1

#Allows exp chain on any exp mob. Default is 0.
chain_on_easy: 1

#Increases the time frame allowed to get an exp chain. Default is 1.
chain_bonus: 1

#Allows same skill-up on chance for failures as crafting successes have. Default is 0.
craft_skill_onfail: 0

#Increases the chance of getting larger skill-ups while crafting. Set 0 to 100. Default 0.
craft_skillamt: 0

#Increases the chance of succeeding at crafting. Set 0 to 100. Default 0.
craft_success: 0

#Multiplies the amount of conquest points earned on an exp mob kill. Default is 1.
conquest_bonus: 1

#Sets 1 nation and owner of all regions. 0 = off, 1 = Sandoria, 2 = Bastok, 3 = Windurst, 4 = Beastmen.  Default is 0.
conquest_constant: 0

Re: Advanced Configurations

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:10 pm
by Nubbsolo
Getting this for the engage delay! Ive hated that since my first day on retail.. Thanks! Nice job!

Also i think it'd be pretty cool to be able to modify conquest points rewarded per kill.. I havent found a way to do that yet..

Re: Advanced Configurations

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:09 pm
by PrBlahBlahtson
Nubbsolo wrote:Also i think it'd be pretty cool to be able to modify conquest points rewarded per kill.. I havent found a way to do that yet..
Probably in conquest_system.cpp. It was revised in r1716, and I don't think it's been touched since.

Re: Advanced Configurations

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:57 am
by thrydwolf
Howdy! See the 1st post for the full list of settings that I am working on putting/updating into Settings.lua or map_darkstar.conf. It's taking me some time to test each on individually, and then tweaking till it works as I would want it. I may have a few more to add before I am done. I should be done and have a new patch to post in a few days.

Re: Advanced Configurations

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:05 pm
by Nubbsolo
Everything patched fine except the 'healing.lua' so i was wondering since i had modified it previously if that would stop it from patching correctly?

Re: Advanced Configurations

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:39 am
by Metalfiiish
It is very possible that would prevent it from patching it properly. You will have to carefully analyze your change and re-add it after patching from an non-changed file.

Re: Advanced Configurations

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:45 am
by thrydwolf
Okie Dokie, I have completed patch for my advanced configurations. I would love it if they can be added to the core of DSP, but I understand if not. Please see the 1st post for the file/details. TY

Re: Advanced Configurations

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:45 pm
by PrBlahBlahtson
I'm happy to see some of these. Still working with r1900.

Re: Advanced Configurations

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:47 pm
by PrBlahBlahtson
Bug report. Your patch (possibly engage delay) breaks the /ra delay entirely.

The double/triple attacking isn't your fault, though :)

Time for a RNG gimp via a bug report!

Re: Advanced Configurations

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:04 pm
by thrydwolf
Yeah, good report. I had noticed that, and forgot to double back and find another way to address that issue. Thanks!!!

From my testing you can /ra over and over... was kinda fun :p

I will see what I can do. Thanks!