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made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-3

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:55 pm
by mvd1987
i dont know if this is the right place to put it and if it will help anybody but..

my server (fantasy world) is at rev 2003 now and players came to me that the san d'oria mission 1-3 couldnt finisch cause the hut door wont give the cutscene at the end.
i have looked in the bugreports and it was there but why didnt it get in with the rev??
i made it work again so players can get a higher rank again in san.
maybe it will be some use to one of you.

Code: Select all

-- Area: Ghelsba_Outpost
-- NPC:  Hut Door
-- Involved in Quest: The Holy Crest
-- Involved in Mission: Save the children
-- @pos -162 -11 78 140
package.loaded["scripts/zones/Ghelsba_Outpost/TextIDs"] = nil;
package.loaded["scripts/globals/bcnm"] = nil;


	---- 0: 
	---- 1: 
	---- 2: 
	---- 3: 
	---- 4: 
	---- 5: 
	---- 6: 

-- onTrade Action

function onTrade(player,npc,trade)

-- onTrigger Action

function onTrigger(player,npc)

	if(player:hasKeyItem(ORCISH_HUT_KEY)) then
			if(player:hasCompletedMission(SANDORIA,SAVE_THE_CHILDREN)) then	


-- onEventUpdate

function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option)
--printf("onUpdate CSID: %u",csid);
--printf("onUpdate RESULT: %u",option);

-- onEventFinish Action

function onEventFinish(player,csid,option)
--printf("onFinish CSID: %u",csid);
--printf("onFinish RESULT: %u",option);
	if(csid == 0x0003 or csid == 0x0037) then

dont know if it was already some where else but let me know if it doesnt add anything new :)

greetings michael

Re: made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:34 pm
by whasf
Do they have the Orcish Hut Key keyitem and are currently on the mission when they try to check the door?

How many players have the problem? If it's only one or two then I'd just modify the script to remove the keyitem and change the missionStatus variable for them. If more than one is having the problem then you have other issues going on...

Re: made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:00 am
by PrBlahBlahtson
Confirming that door is weird, but I think the issue might have been because I was running a client on my desktop and laptop. Different IPs though, so dual-boxing issues shouldn't have come up?

Not sure it was related to mvd1987's issue though.

Re: made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:31 am
by mvd1987
no its was een old rev. after they updated that there was missing info for the door to give the cutscene and end the mission.(it will end at the gaurd but the gaurd said before to talk to the door again and the door was not showing the cutscene after the fight and the obtain of the key item)

its being checked 2 times so its works now :)

it was metalfish that has reacted in the bugreport and told there wich rev it was when it was working.
look in the bugreport search and find mission 1-3 of san
it will give a report on the door that wasnt been confirmed so thats why i added it so you guys can maybe put it in for the rest of the server if they didnt do already.
i just merged the 2 scripts so its showing all the info and works again.
try to open C:\dsp\scripts\zones\Ghelsba_Outpost\npcs\Hut_Door
in rev 2003 its not in the script of the npc to give the cutscene and send it to the gaurd to end the mission
metalfish shows the scripts on the bugreport so thats why i dont understand why it wasnt on rev 2003 yet

my server and the trunk are at rev 2003 and the missing info on the script of the door npc is still missing in that rev of the trunk.

hope you know what i mean and that you guys can you use it.
you can check what i mean on the bugreport search and see for yourself.

its a shame that metalfish is taking a break and i hope he will get back on the project cause he helpt me out a lot.

let me know if you want any more info

Re: made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:25 am
by keener31
bumping this thread to confirm that on a new character (about 2 weeks old) on DStest, rev 2013, this mission is still broken.

the problem happens exactly as stated above. hut door -> BC fight -> get key item -> check door and nothing happens. the key item is definitely there. relogged with no difference.

character name is "agrias" if a dev wants to bump me along, but obviously something is up with the script that needs to be corrected for future players as well.

Re: made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:13 pm
by hakusho
Same problem here. I applied the fix posted in the first post and it worked like a charm.

Re: made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:03 pm
by keener31
hakusho wrote:Same problem here. I applied the fix posted in the first post and it worked like a charm.
cool, hopefully it can work its way into an official revision.

were you able to continue on after the fix, or did you have to reset that mission/character?

Re: made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:56 am
by hakusho
I stealth edited the OnTriggerAction into the game after the fight and immediately got the cutscene. However, I forgot to add the OnEventFinish code so the mission NPC refused to end my mission. I added the rest of your code and triggered the cutscene again. After that I was able to finish the mission and get Rank 2. At no point did I have to log out or edit anything besides the HutDoor.lua file. I'd say this fix is as perfect as it gets. Thanks again.
Thankfully I read up on this before I got to the mission so I didn't have to panic when something didn't work. :)

Re: made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:33 pm
by mvd1987
np :)

i hope they will use it in the new rev so nobody gets this problem any more.

but i think they need more prove then this to at it haha.

but its workning for my server and im glad that i could help some others also :)

greetings michael

Re: made the hut door working again on san d'oria mission 1-

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:03 pm
by keener31
has this change made it into any revisions on dstest?

id like to continue on with these missions.