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pandemonium warden fixed

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:12 pm
by mvd1987
i fixed pandemonium warden so it will spawn where it needs to spawn,

i needed to at a lua for qm2 also (???) so it would spawn warden when traded the pandemonium key

??? had his pos already the warden didnt:

the pos on the warden are:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `mob_spawn_points` VALUES (17056168,'Pandemonium_Warden',2298,197.000,33.000,-150.000,126);

the pos can be off some inces from retail but i think that isnt a problem for now.

here are the 2 lua's for warden and the ???
pandemonium warden and qm2.rar
the 2 lua's need for pandemonium and the ???
(867 Bytes) Downloaded 307 times

it only needs mobskills to be add in the mobskill sql.

we have tested it and it works now :)

please test it and hopefully it will help the project

greetings michael

Re: pandemonium warden fixed

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:18 pm
by mvd1987
im looking on how to let it change models like it normally does (transforms)

i think it can be aded to lua to let it change model after an certain move or time

will commit it when i know what it is

greetings michael

Re: pandemonium warden fixed

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:26 pm
by GalkaSmash
Having it spawn a series of 12(or 15 if you want to go by original PW standards) mobs all named Pandemonium Warden for the time being and using Olla Grande's sequential spawning if you could figure out how to add loot to only the final Pandemonium Warden. You would need to be able to keep them all named Pandemonium Warden but change the model between every second one.

Re: pandemonium warden fixed

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:58 pm
by mvd1987
i will use his other mob id to let it spawn between forms and to end with his final form,and to let it change model.

the lua on the ??? may have to change on mob id but i will look into that some more and will share the complete warden when im done,

and i will add the lamps that goes with it also.


oke im free in like 3 hours from work and then iwill start on adding the lamps so they spawn when PW is spawned.
also i will make the lua,so it will transform on model's.
and i will try to find way so it will despawn the first mobid and will spawn the other mob id when the first is almost dead or is dead,the transforming wont be a big problem but letting it despawn and respawnm again will,and the second mob id is linked to the same mob group but if the second PW is different on hp and stats it will need another group id,and famely id

i will share it here when i have it more complete

greetings michael

Re: pandemonium warden fixed

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:39 am
by bluekirby0
Any more work on this yet?