[Lua, SQL] Basotk 7-2
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:29 am
Edit: Incorporated SQL into patch.
I'm getting tired of writing these damn long posts with the equally long fixes...
Well lets get started.
First off, unlike Bastok 8-1, this will only require Lua and SQL changes.
As always, please reference FFXIClopedia for the full details. This patch should mimic the mission fully.
On My Way [Bastok 7-2]
SQL Includes the mob positions and bcnm_instance information.
This was all tested, roughly. Just to say that there should be no problems, but I'm a cautious type.
Not much more to explain here... So here is the patch file and SQL changes.
I'm getting tired of writing these damn long posts with the equally long fixes...
Well lets get started.
First off, unlike Bastok 8-1, this will only require Lua and SQL changes.
As always, please reference FFXIClopedia for the full details. This patch should mimic the mission fully.
On My Way [Bastok 7-2]
SQL Includes the mob positions and bcnm_instance information.
This was all tested, roughly. Just to say that there should be no problems, but I'm a cautious type.
Not much more to explain here... So here is the patch file and SQL changes.
Code: Select all
-- Ku_Jhu_Graniteskin
UPDATE `mob_spawn_points` SET `pos_x` = '-179.03', `pos_y` = '60.1', `pos_z` = '-140.5', `pos_rot` = '128'
WHERE `mobid` IN ('17367047', '17367051', '17367055');
-- Sa_Nha_Soulsaver
UPDATE `mob_spawn_points` SET `pos_x` = '-175.83', `pos_y` = '60.1', `pos_z` = '-140.5', `pos_rot` = '128'
WHERE `mobid` IN ('17367048', '17367052', '17367056');
-- Da_Shu_Knightslayer
UPDATE `mob_spawn_points` SET `pos_x` = '-175.83', `pos_y` = '60.1', `pos_z` = '-143.7', `pos_rot` = '128'
WHERE `mobid` IN ('17367049', '17367053', '17367057');
-- Go_Bha_Slaughterer
UPDATE `mob_spawn_points` SET `pos_x` = '-179.03', `pos_y` = '60.1', `pos_z` = '-143.7', `pos_rot` = '128'
WHERE `mobid` IN ('17367050', '17367054', '17367058');
-- Empty for next insert.
DELETE FROM `bcnm_instance` WHERE `bcnmId` = '67';
-- Instance 1
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '1', '17367047');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '1', '17367048');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '1', '17367049');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '1', '17367050');
-- Instance 2
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '2', '17367051');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '2', '17367052');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '2', '17367053');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '2', '17367054');
-- Instance 3
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '3', '17367055');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '3', '17367056');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '3', '17367057');
INSERT INTO `bcnm_instance` (`bcnmId`, `instanceNumber`, `monsterId`) VALUES ('67', '3', '17367058');