needs more music

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Joined: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:46 am

needs more music

Post by Aldoras » Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:06 am

Hi everyone^^


for those of you who run their own server i made some changes to the zone_settings.sql so that more zones have music playing.
since i had to work with the limited amount of music available, several zones share the same music piece, but the zones should be far enough away from each other that it's not too much of a bother.
all these changes follow my personal taste, i just went through all the zones that had no music and selected one that i thought would fit it the best. you are free propose some other/better choices ^^;

some zones still have no music, but thats mostly the ones that are fight zones (horlais peak, balgas dias, etc etc) because i thought its more eerie to first have no music and then going to the battle music. also i skipped some zones in WOTG because that isn't officially supported by DS yet.

so if you feel like it, give it a try and tell me what you think :)

- Aldo
used sql from r2709 and added some music
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Re: needs more music

Post by bluekirby0 » Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:14 pm

As a heads up, for users of Ashita or Windower, there are plugins called MusicMod and Vanatunes respectively. An older program called SpoonyBard can work with these and be used to manipulate in-game music programatically in real-time.

I am also almost finished with a project called Uematsu which is a completely new program that extends upon the functionality of SpoonyBard significantly. The back-end already works, but the GUI currently does not function so you would need to write your scripts by hand.

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