More info on custom settings on wiki guide

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More info on custom settings on wiki guide

Post by Lyrium » Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:58 pm

Could more information on custom game settings be added to the wiki guide, such as more detail on changing exp rates, starting jobs, gear and ability scripting etc. The set-up guide for the server was very helpful and a more detailed tutorial for game settings would be really helpful.

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Re: More info on custom settings on wiki guide

Post by bluekirby0 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:50 am

I personally think the info included in the config files covers basic use. The skill rate stuff isn't terribly clear, I admit, but that is kind of hard to put into words without sticking the formula in your face and showing what it does directly.

Exp rate is a simple multiplier, so at 2.0 it would give you 200 xp for an even match mob.

Starting Jobs are a bit screwy if you don't understand bitmasks, so that should probably be broken down (there is a great post on the old forums that does this if i can find it).

Starting gear I haven't looked into. It may be easier to make a master NPC that grants you a set of starting gear if you want something nice for your newbies.

(Keeping in mind I'm talking about the project as of 3 weeks ago when I was up-to-date on it) Ability scripting unfortunately is a lot more complicated. Most of the abilities that can be properly scripted already have been. The remainder are waiting on more core functions to fulfill tasks that are currently impossible through scripts alone. If you just want to tweak working abilities that should be a bit more manageable as all the scripts can be located pretty easily somewhere in the /scripts folder (its all organized very well so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it).

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Re: More info on custom settings on wiki guide

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:28 pm

As far as starting jobs...

/dsp/scripts/globals/server.lua handles the creation of new characters, so you might also be able to place some starting buffs there. If you're not familiar with LUA, there's the "Customizing your Server" guide on the wiki, and unless someone removed it there should be a primer at the bottom that explains how to execute most functions you could want.

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