Hey dudes. Love the work everyone on here is doing! Love love love it!
In attempting some cooking earlier today It came to my attention that the following recipes are not on the database. I'm not familiar enough yet with the DB here to commit these changes myself so I am posting them here for someone more experienced to hopefully take this on.
Marinara Sauce (61)
Yield: Marinara Sauce x 4 - 5747
Water Crystal
1 x Kazham Peppers
1 x Black Pepper - 626
1 x Olive Oil - 633
1 x Rock Salt - 936
1 x Mithran Tomato - 4390
1 x Anchovy - 5652
Pomodoro Sauce (28)
Yield: Pomodoro Sauce x 4 - 5194
Water Crystal
1 x Bay Leaves - 623
1 x Black Pepper - 626
1 x Olive Oil - 633
1 x Rock Salt - 936
1 x Holy Basil - 1590
1 x Wild Onion - 4387
1 x Mithran Tomato - 4390
1 x Misareaux Parsley - 5195
Marinara Pizza (40)
Yield: Marinara Pizza x 1 - 5743
HQ 1: Marinara Pizza +1 x 1 -5744
Fire Crystal
1 x Mhaura Garlic - 614
1 x Dried Marjoram - 622
1 x Holy Basil - 1590
1 x Pizza Dough - 2561
1 x Chalaimbille - 5684
1 x Marinara Sauce - 5747
missing ingredient/pizza recipes
missing ingredient/pizza recipes
Last edited by anemathis on Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: missing ingredient/pizza recipes
Lookup all the item ID's for each ingredient and I'll build the queries for you 

Re: missing ingredient/pizza recipes
That would be fantastic! I went ahead and updated my OP with item IDs gathered from here: https://wiki.dspt.info/index.php/Basic_Item_IDsAvatarati wrote:Lookup all the item ID's for each ingredient and I'll build the queries for you
Many thanks!
Re: missing ingredient/pizza recipes
Here you go. The ID's start at 4000, which should be way past the last ID in your database. May want to doublecheck though. Can change that as necessary.
Just put this into whatever database application you're using, paste into a query builder, and execute!
Code: Select all
-- Marinara Sauce
INSERT INTO synth_recipes (ID,Type,KeyItem,Alchemy,Bone,Cloth,Cook,Gold,Leather,Smith,Wood,Crystal,HQCrystal,Ingredient1,Ingredient2,Ingredient3,Ingredient4,
VALUES (4000,1,0,0,0,0,61,0,0,0,0,4101,4243,612,626,633,936,4390,5652,0,0,5747,5747,5747,5747,4,4,4,4);
-- Pomodoro Sauce
INSERT INTO synth_recipes (ID,Type,KeyItem,Alchemy,Bone,Cloth,Cook,Gold,Leather,Smith,Wood,Crystal,HQCrystal,Ingredient1,Ingredient2,Ingredient3,Ingredient4,
VALUES (4001,1,0,0,0,0,28,0,0,0,0,4101,4243,623,626,633,936,1590,4387,4390,5195,5194,5194,5194,5194,4,4,4,4);
-- Marinara Pizza
INSERT INTO synth_recipes (ID,Type,KeyItem,Alchemy,Bone,Cloth,Cook,Gold,Leather,Smith,Wood,Crystal,HQCrystal,Ingredient1,Ingredient2,Ingredient3,Ingredient4,
VALUES (4002,1,0,0,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,4096,4238,614,622,1590,2561,5684,5747,0,0,5743,5744,5744,5744,1,1,1,1);
Re: missing ingredient/pizza recipes
Oh, also as a note, Pomodoro Sauce should already be in the database. So make sure to not insert that one. The Marinara Sauce and Marinara Pizza are not though.
Re: missing ingredient/pizza recipes
Awesome! Thanks so much! and you were right about the pomodoro, i didnt think to look under "bowl of pomodoro sauce"