Fully Independent Server / Client

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Fully Independent Server / Client

Post by Kiritsu » Tue May 05, 2015 7:13 am

Do you foresee being able to completely reverse engineer and re-code the game, such that it's no longer a bunch of lua driven memory hacks?

Even if SE is abandoning it (by 'it' I mean the greatest MMO to ever exist ever, circa 2002-2006).
Even if we likely won't ever be able to have back the experience of when the game was first released.

What I could foresee is crowd funding a development project to take all the data and game code and re-write the game from scratch, using the Unreal4 engine, but using the graphical elements from the original game (and the first three expansions).

Note that the only content allowed to be in such a reincarnation would be the original game, plus the first three expansions:

Rise of the Zilart
Chains of Promathia
Treasures of Aht Urhgan

Anything beyond ToAU is to be considered anathema.

Alternatively, we could send 12 members to Japan to plead with SE for the game to be made open-source, with the threat of all members committing hara-kiri and showcasing it on the news if they refuse our reasonable request.

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Re: Fully Independent Server / Client

Post by TeoTwawki » Tue May 05, 2015 9:31 am

What I could foresee is crowd funding a
I foresee you being shut down by SE. Them closing it down doesn't mean they will allow this.

a bunch of lua driven memory hacks?
is not even remotely accurate.
plead with SE for the game to be made open-source,
Will NEVER happen. Nor will they ever be willing to sell lease or license it. This is part of what is called a flagship franchise. They will jealously guard that intellectual property from any use other than their own, even after they choose to no longer use it.
Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

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Re: Fully Independent Server / Client

Post by kjLotus » Tue May 05, 2015 9:46 am

I could, but the main problem is all the assets, and it's way more effort than it's worth

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Re: Fully Independent Server / Client

Post by Delaide » Tue May 05, 2015 8:52 pm

Kiritsu wrote:Do you foresee being able to completely reverse engineer and re-code the game, such that it's no longer a bunch of lua driven memory hacks?

Even if SE is abandoning it (by 'it' I mean the greatest MMO to ever exist ever, circa 2002-2006).
Even if we likely won't ever be able to have back the experience of when the game was first released.

What I could foresee is crowd funding a development project to take all the data and game code and re-write the game from scratch, using the Unreal4 engine, but using the graphical elements from the original game (and the first three expansions).

Note that the only content allowed to be in such a reincarnation would be the original game, plus the first three expansions:

Rise of the Zilart
Chains of Promathia
Treasures of Aht Urhgan

Anything beyond ToAU is to be considered anathema.

Alternatively, we could send 12 members to Japan to plead with SE for the game to be made open-source, with the threat of all members committing hara-kiri and showcasing it on the news if they refuse our reasonable request.
Please note, the server code itself is questionable under copyright law, but since it is not using SE resources, it is a grey area. However, when you start discussing the client, now you are getting into pure copyright infringement territory. The only way you could do this is to try to create your own unique assets and try to release it. However, even then, it would be tough to win in court, since you will be copying SE, instead of using their IP directly. You can try, but I can almost guarantee, based on SE's tendency to go after infringement pretty hard, that you will end up in court, trying to prove you are not infringing. Good luck with that...

You would be better to see if ESA/EFF can win it's campaign: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/04/v ... d-archives

Edit: Second link for you: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-di ... 0-6426548/

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