in the npc_list table, in zone 245:
npcid: 17780967
name: Domenic
pos_x: 32.760
pos_y: -0.100
pos_z: -15.105
It currently does not exist in the table and I have not yet figured out how to insert a new row so if someone wants to put him in-game, there he is.

*Edit* I was told that I needed to get his skin values so I have those now too.

Domenic is either 0x0100040000100420043011401150006000700000
The reason I have two right now is because Faursel is listed as
but in-game I see him as 0x01000A007D100920183018401850006000700000
I don't know if that change from 00 in-game to 03 on npc_list.sql is of any significance, but if it is then I've got my bases covered.