I'm not sure if I'm in the right place to ask questions, but I wasn't sure the best place so here's where I picked.
Question. If someone was going to work on weather, I would assume one of the first items needed would be a data reference that would provide weather conditions by zone. At first I thought an extra field in the zone_settings would be good, a binary value like 0 = none, 1 = earth, 2 = wind, 4 = water, 8 = fire and so on. So a zone like Valkurm_Dunes would have a weather value of 9, for sand storms and heat waves.
But this wouldn't make it easy to provide frequency of of these conditions. Again, for Valkurm_Dunes we'd need to know sand storms(earth) happens occasionally, and heat waves(fire) are rare. Where as in La_Theine_Plateau you have frequent rain(water) and wind gusts(wind).
With that in mind I was thinking you might want an entirely new table with zone_ids and a field for each element, the value would be the frequency of that particular weather for the zone.
I'm curious if anyone feels like that would be over engineered?
Weather Question
Re: Weather Question
Two new bitmask fields in the zone_settings table, one for type and one for frequency, add them together (do some more math with Loraunt's randomization function) and you get your effect? That's my idea anyhow
-- Whasf