Set Bonuses List

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Posts: 31
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Set Bonuses List

Post by GalkaSmash » Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:51 am

Nyzul Isle

-- Denali Jacket Set
16107 -- Denali Bonnet
14569 -- Denali Jacket
14984 -- Denali Wristbands
15648 -- Denali Kecks
15734 -- Denali Gamashes
-- Set Bonus: Increases Accuracy
-- +4 per piece, only active with full set. Total Set Bonus +20 Acc

-- Askar Korazin Set
16106 -- Askar Zucchetto
14568 -- Askar Korazin
14983 -- Askar Manopolas
15647 -- Askar Dirs
15733 -- Askar Gambieras
-- Set Bonus: Max HP Boost
-- +2% per piece, only active with full set. Total Set Bonus +10% HP

-- Goliard Saio Set
16108 -- Goliard Chapeau
14570 -- Goliard Saio
14985 -- Goliard Cuffs
15649 -- Goliard Trews
15735 -- Goliard Clogs
-- Set Bonus: Magic Def. Bonus
-- +2% per piece, only active with full set. Total Set Bonus +10% Magic Def. Bonus


-- Pahluwan Khazagand Set
16069 -- Pahluwan Qalansuwa
14530 -- Pahluwan Khazagand
14940 -- Pahluwan Dastanas
15609 -- Pahluwan Seraweels
15695 -- Pahluwan Crackows
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Subtle Blow" effect
-- +8% Subtle Blow unconfirmed. Only active with full set. (!--+10% would round value out better at 2x5)

-- Amir Korazin Set
16062 -- Amir Puggaree
14525 -- Amir Korazin
14933 -- Amir Kolluks
15604 -- Amir Dirs
15688 -- Amir Boots
-- Set Bonus: Reduces magic and breath damage
-- -8% magic and breath damage unconfirmed. Only active with full set. (!--'-10% would round value out better at 2x5)

-- Yigit Gomlek Set
16064 -- Yigit Turban
14527 -- Yigit Gomlek
14935 -- Yigit Gages
15606 -- Yigit Seraweels
15690 -- Yigit Crackows
-- Set Bonus: Adds "Refresh" effect
-- 1/MP per 3 seconds. Only active with full set.


-- Ares's Cuirass Set
16084 -- Ares' Mask
14546 -- Ares' Cuirass
14961 -- Ares' Gauntlets
15625 -- Ares' Flanchard
15711 -- Ares' Sollerets
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Double Attack" Effect
-- +5% Double Attack Bonus. Only active with full set. +1% per piece.

-- Usugane Haramaki Set
16092 -- Usukane Somen
14554 -- Usukane Haramaki
14969 -- Usukane Gote
15633 -- Usukane Hizayoroi
15719 -- Usukane Sune-ate
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Haste" effect
-- +5% Haste effect. Only active with full set. +1% per piece.

-- Morrigan's Robe Set
16100 -- Morrigan's Coronal
14562 -- Morrigan's Robe
14977 -- Morrigan's Cuffs
15641 -- Morrigan's Slops
15727 -- Morrigan's Pigaches
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Magic Atk. Bonus" effect
-- +5 Magic. Atk Bonus. Only active with full set. +1 per piece.

-- Marduk's Jubbah Set
16096 -- Marduk's Tiara
14558 -- Marduk's Jubbah
14973 -- Marduk's Dastanas
15637 -- Marduk's Shalwar
15723 -- Marduk's Crackows
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Fast Cast" effect.
-- NOTE: Body enhances "Fast Cast" gives -5% Casting Time. Recast -2.5%
-- Full Set Bonus only active with 5 pieces. Gives Casting Time -10%. Recast -5% and doubles effective bonus of body.

--Skadi's Cuirie Set
16088 -- Skadi's Visor
14550 -- Skadi's Cuirie
14965 -- Skadi's Bazubands
15929 -- Skadi's Chausses
15715 -- Skadi's Jambeaux
-- Set Bonus: Increases "Critical Hit Rate"
-- Undefined by wiki sources: research needed +5-10% would seem average for a full set.

Campaign Allied Notes

-- Iron Ram Haubert Set
16146 -- Iron Ram Sallet
14588 -- Iron Ram Hauberk
15009 -- Iron Ram Dastanas
16315 -- Iron Ram Hose
15755 -- Iron Ram Greaves
-- Set Bonus: Increases resistance against all elements. (+30 Resist)
-- Each piece +5 resistance after the first one.
-- Additional +10 for the whole set.

-- Fourth Division Brune Set
16147 -- Fourth Division Haube
14589 -- Fourth Division Brunne
15010 -- Fourth Division Hentzes
16316 -- Fourth Division Schoss
15756 -- Fourth Division Schuhs
-- Set Bonus: Increases Attack
-- Set increases in multiples of 5 after the 2nd piece.
-- 2 pieces: Attack+1
-- 3 pieces: Attack+5
-- 4 Pieces: Attack+10
-- Full Set: Attack+15

-- Cobra Unit Harness Set
16148 -- Cobra Unit Cap
14590 -- Cobra Unit Harness
15011 -- Cobra Unit Mittens
16317 -- Cobra Unit Subligar
15757 -- Cobra Unit Leggings
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Counter" effect
-- Counter +1 per piece after the first (+4 Counter)

-- Cobra Unit Robe Set
16149 -- Cobra Unit Cloche
14591 -- Cobra Unit Robe
15012 -- Cobra Unit Gloves
16318 -- Cobra Unit Trews
15758 -- Cobra Unit Crackows
-- Set Bonus: Increases Magic Accuracy
-- +1 each piece after the first. (+4 Magic Accuracy)

-- Iron Ram Chainmail Set
16141 -- Iron Ram Helm
14581 -- Iron Ram Chainmail
15005 -- Iron Ram Mufflers
16312 -- Iron Ram Breeches
15749 -- Iron Ram Sollerets
-- Set Bonus: Increases Attack and Accuracy
-- Bonus increases by 1 each after the 2nd piece.
-- 2 Pieces: +1 Accuracy / +1 Attack
-- 3 Pieces: +2 Accuracy / +2 Attack
-- 4 Pieces: +3 Accuracy / +3 Attack
-- 5 Pieces: +4 Accuracy / +4 Attack

-- Fourth Division Cuirass Set
16142 -- Fourth Division Armet
14582 -- Fourth Division Cuirass
15006 -- Fourth Division Gauntlets
16313 -- Fourth Division Cuisses
15750 -- Fourth Division Sabatons
-- Set Bonus: Increases HP
-- Bonus increases by +10 after the 2nd piece.
-- 2 pieces: +10 HP
-- 3 pieces: +20 HP
-- 4 pieces: +30 HP
-- 5 pieces: +40 HP

-- Cobra Unit Coat Set
16143 -- Cobra Unit Hat
14583 -- Cobra Unit Coat
15007 -- Cobra Unit Cuffs
16314 -- Cobra Unit Slops
15751 -- Cobra Unit Pigaches
-- Set Bonus: Increases MP
-- Bonus increases by +10 after the 2nd piece.
-- 2 pieces: +10 MP
-- 3 pieces: +20 MP
-- 4 pieces: +30 MP
-- 5 pieces: +40 MP

Stronghold NM(WOTG)

--Paramount Earring Sets
16005 -- Paramount Earring
19112 -- Farseer
19215 -- Amanokakoyumi
17962 -- Fleetwing
18596 -- Kebbie
19271 -- Osoraku
17756 -- Sinfender
18760 -- Useshi
19156 -- Balisarde
-- Set Bonus: HP+30, VIT+6, Accuracy+6, Ranged Accuracy+6
-- Set Bonus is active with any 2 items(Earring+Weapon or Weapon+Weapon)

--Supremacy Earring Sets
16004 -- Supremacy Earring
18761 -- Acantha Shavers
18597 -- Catalyst
17757 -- Merveilleuse
18449 -- Namioyogi
18128 -- Skystrider
18500 -- Sparth
18951 -- Vendetta
19218 -- Murderer
-- Set Bonus: STR+6, Attack+4, Ranged Attack+4, "Magic Atk. Bonus"+2
-- Set Bonus is active with any 2 items(Earring+Weapon)

--Brilliant Earring Sets
16006 -- Brilliant Earring
18499 -- Alastor
19217 -- Basilisk
18862 -- Clearpath
18952 -- Faucheuse
18861 -- Grandeur
18450 -- Mukademaru
19111 -- Silktone
19272 -- Yagentoshiro
-- Set Bonus: Evasion, HP Recovered while healing, Reduces Emnity
-- Set Bonus is active with any 2 items. (Earring+Weapon)
-- bonus values missing on wiki: acceptable filler would be +10 +10 -5 accurate for the other bonuses and level

-- Molione's Sickle Set
18947 -- Molione's Sickle
15818 -- Molione's Ring
-- Set Bonus: +5 Accuracy
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Souleater" Effect


--Hachiryu Haramaki Set
11281 -- Hachiryu Haramaki
15015 -- Hachiryu Kote
16337 -- Hachiryu Haidate
11364 -- Hachiryu Sune-Ate
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Store TP" Effect
-- 2 pieces: +5 Store TP
-- 3 pieces: +10 Store TP
-- 4 pieces: +20 Store TP

Abyssea Cruor (78)

--Perle Hauberk Set
11503 -- Perle Salade
13759 -- Perle Hauberk
12745 -- Perle Moufles
14210 -- Perle Brayettes
11413 -- Perle Solerets
-- Set Bonus: Haste+5%
-- requires all 5 pieces.

--Aurore Doublet Set
11504 -- Aurore Beret
13760 -- Aurore Doublet
12746 -- Aurore Gloves
14257 -- Aurore Brais
11414 -- Aurore Gaiters
-- Set Bonus: "Store TP"+8
-- requires all 5 pieces.

--Teal Saio Set
11505 -- Teal Chapeau
13778 -- Teal Saio
12747 -- Teal Cuffs
14258 -- Teal Slops
11415 -- Teal Pigaches
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Fast Cast" effect
-- "Fast Cast" = Casting time: -10%, Recast -5%
-- requires all 5 pieces.

Abyssea - Crafted/Voidwatch

--Fazheluo Mail Set
11808 -- Fazheluo Helm
11824 -- Fazleluo Helm+1
11850 -- Fazheluo Mail
11858 -- Fazheluo Mail+1
11857 -- Fazheluo Radiant Mail
-- Set Bonus: "Double Attack"+5%
-- active with any 2 pieces.

--Cuauhtli Harness Set
11809 -- Cuauhtli Headpiece
11825 -- Cuauhtli Headpiece+1
11851 -- Cuauhtli Harness
11859 -- Cuauhtli Harness+1
-- Set Bonus: Haste+8%
-- active with any 2 pieces.

--Hyskos Robe Set
11810 -- Hyksos Khat
11826 -- Hyksos Khat+1
11852 -- Hyksos Robe
11860 -- Hyksos Robe+1
-- Set Bonus: Magic Accuracy+5

Abyssea (Shinryu)

--Twilight Mail Set
11798 -- Twilight Helm
11362 -- Twilight Mail
-- Set Bonus: Auto-Reraise


--Ogier's Armor Set
10876 -- Ogier's Helm
10450 -- Ogier's Surcoat
10500 -- Ogier's Gauntlets
11969 -- Ogier's Breeches
10600 -- Ogier's Leggings
-- Set Bonus: Adds "Refresh" Effect
-- Provides 1 mp/tick for 2-3 pieces worn, 2 mp/tick for 4-5 pieces worn.

--Athos's Armor Set
10877 -- Athos's Chapeau
10451 -- Athos's Tabard
10501 -- Athos's Gloves
11970 -- Athos's Tights
10601 -- Athos's Boots
-- Set Bonus: Increases rate of critical hits.
-- Gives +3% for the first 2 pieces and +1% for every additional piece.

--Rubeus Armor Set
10878 -- Rubeus Bandeau
10452 -- Rubeus Jacket
10502 -- Rubeus Gloves
11971 -- Rubeus Spats
10602 -- Rubeus Boots
-- Set Bonus: Enhances "Fast Cast" Effect
-- 2 or 3 pieces equipped: Fast Cast +4
-- 4 or 5 pieces equipped: Fast Cast +10


--Calma Armor Set
10890 -- Calma Armet
10462 -- Calma Breastplate
10512 -- Calma Gauntlets
11980 -- Calma Hose
10610 -- Calma Leggings
-- Set Bonus: "Haste"+6%

--Magavan Armor Set
10892 -- Magavan Beret
10464 -- Magavan Frock
10514 -- Magavan Mitts
11982 -- Magavan Slops
10612 -- Magavan Clogs
-- Set Bonus: Magic Accuracy+5

--Mustela Harness Set
10891 -- Mustela Mask
10463 -- Mustela Harness
10513 -- Mustela Gloves
11981 -- Mustela Brais
10611 -- Mustela Boots
-- Set Bonus: Increases rate of Critical Hits
-- Critical Hit Rate Increase seems about 5%

Empyrean +2

--Aoidos' Attire +2 Set
11073 -- Aoidos' Calot+2
11093 -- Aoidos' Hongreline +2
11113 -- Aoidos' Manchettes +2
11133 -- Aoidos' Rhingrave +2
11153 -- Aoidos' Cothurnes +2
-- Set Bonus: Augments Songs
-- Enhancing songs add an attribute bonus that corresponds to the element of the song (i.e. Thunder-based songs add +DEX). The attribute bonus begins at +1 for 2 pieces, increases by 1 for each additional piece, up to +5 for the whole set. For Dark-based songs, there is a bonus of +10 MP for 2 pieces, and increases by 10 for each additional piece.

--Ferine' Attire +2 Set
11072 -- Ferine Cabasset+2
11092 -- Ferine Gausape+2
11112 -- Ferine Manoplas+2
11132 -- Ferine Quijotes+2
11152 -- Ferine Ocreae+2
-- Set Bonus: Attack occ. varies with pet's HP
-- Occasionally increases damage in direct proportion to the percentage of pet's current HP. At 100% HP, damage is doubled when triggered, at 50% HP, damage increases by 50%, and so on.
-- 5% Proc Rate

--Goetia Attire +2 Set
11067 -- Goetia Petasos+2
11087 -- Goetia Coat+2
11107 -- Goetia Gloves+2
11127 -- Goetia Chausses+2
11147 -- Goetia Sabots+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Conserve MP"
-- Occasionally increases damage of elemental spells when Conserve MP is triggered. Increased amount is proportional to twice the ratio of MP conserved.

--Mavi Attire +2 Set
11079 -- Mavi Kavuk+2
11099 -- Mavi Mintan+2
11119 -- Mavi Bazubands+2
11139 -- Mavi Tayt+2
11159 -- Mavi Basmak+2
-- Set Bonus: Occ. augments blue magic spells.
-- no damn clue!

--Navarch's Attire +2 Set
11080 -- Navarch's Tricorne+2
11100 -- Navarch's Frac+2
11120 -- Navarch's Gants+2
11140 -- Navarch's Culottes+2
11160 -- Navarch's Bottes+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Quick Draw"
-- Quick Draw will occasionally deal triple damage.

--Charis Attire +2 Set
11082 -- Charis Tiara+2
11102 -- Charis Casaque+2
11122 -- Charis Bangles+2
11142 -- Charis Tights+2
11162 -- Charis Toeshoes+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Samba"
-- Occasionally doubles damage with Samba up. Adds approximately 1-2% per piece past the first.

--Bale Armor +2 Set
11071 -- Bale Burgeonet+2
11091 -- Bale Cuirass+2
11111 -- Bale Gauntlets+2
11131 -- Bale Flanchard+2
11151 -- Bale Sollerets+2
-- Set Bonus: Attack occasionally varies with HP
-- Occasionally increases damage in direct proportion to the percentage of current HP. At 100% HP, damage is doubled when triggered, at 50% HP, damage increases by 50%, and so on.

--Lancer's Armor +2 Set
11077 -- Lancer's Mezail+2
11097 -- Lancer's Plackart+2
11117 -- Lancer's Vambrace+2
11137 -- Lancer's Cuissots+2
11157 -- Lancer's Schynbalds+2
-- Set Bonus: Attack occasionally varies with wyvern's HP.
-- Damage increases proportionate to Wyvern's HP, at 100%, damage is doubled. 2+ pieces required, more pieces increase proc rate. Full +2 set is about a 10% proc rate. (Confirmation needed)

--Tantra Attire +2 Set
11065 -- Tantra Crown+2
11085 -- Tantra Cyclas+2
11105 -- Tantra Gloves+2
11125 -- Tantra Hose+2
11145 -- Tantra Gaiters+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Kick Attacks"
-- Occasionally allows a second Kick Attack during an attack round without the use of Footwork.

--Iga Garb +2 Set
11076 -- Iga Zukin+2
11096 -- Iga Ningi+2
11116 -- Iga Tekko+2
11136 -- Iga Hakama+2
11156 -- Iga Kyahan+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Dual Wield"
-- Attacks made while dual wielding occasionally add an extra attack

--Creed Armor +2 Set
11070 -- Creed Armet+2
11090 -- Creed Cuirass+2
11110 -- Creed Gauntlets+2
11130 -- Creed Cuisses+2
11150 -- Creed Sabatons+2
-- Set Bonus: Occasionally absorbs damage taken.
-- Set proc believed to be somewhere around 5%, more testing needed. Verification Needed Absorb rate likely varies with # of set pieces.

--Cirque Attire +2 Set
11081 -- Cirque Capello+2
11101 -- Cirque Farsetto+2
11121 -- Cirque Gaunti+2
11141 -- Cirque Pantaloni+2
11161 -- Cirque Scarpe+2
-- Set Bonus: Attack occasionally varies with automaton's HP.
-- Occasionally increases damage in direct proportion to the percentage of Automaton's current HP. At 100% HP, damage is doubled when triggered, at 50% HP, damage increases by 50%, and so on.

--Sylvan Attire +2 Set
11074 -- Sylvan Gapette+2
11094 -- Sylvan Caban+2
11114 -- Sylvan Glovelettes+2
11134 -- Sylvan Bragues+2
11154 -- Sylvan Bottillons+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Rapid Shot"
-- Rapid Shots occasionally deal double damage.

--Estoqueur's Attire +2 Set
11068 -- Estoqueur's Chappel+2
11088 -- Estoqueur's Sayon+2
11108 -- Estoqueur's Gantherots+2
11128 -- Estoqueur's Fuseau+2
11148 -- Estoqueur's Houseaux+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Composure"
-- Enhances duration of Enhancing Magic cast on OTHERS while under the effect of Composure by 10% for the first 2 pieces, and 15% for any additional pieces thereafter, up to 35% increase for 4 pieces and 50% for all 5 pieces. The "Increases enhancing magic effect duration" of the Estoqueur's Cape, Estoqueur's Houseaux +1 and Estoqueur's Houseaux +2 is multiplicative to this total.

--Unkai Domaru +2 Set
11075 -- Unkai Kabuto+2
11095 -- Unkai Domaru+2
11115 -- Unkai Kote+2
11135 -- Unkai Haidate+2
11155 -- Unkai Sune-Ate+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Zanshin"
-- Zanshin attacks will occasionally deal double damage.

--Savant's Attire +2 Set
11083 -- Savant's Bonnet+2
11103 -- Savant's Gown+2
11123 -- Savant's Bracers+2
11143 -- Savant's Pants+2
11163 -- Savant's Loafers+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments Grimoire
-- Spells that match your current Arts will occasionally cast instantly, without recast.

--Caller's Attire +2 Set
11078 -- Caller's Horn+2
11098 -- Caller's Doublet+2
11118 -- Caller's Bracers+2
11138 -- Caller's Spats+2
11158 -- Caller's Pigaches+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Blood Boon"
-- Occasionally increases damage of Blood Pacts when Blood Boon is triggered. Increased amount is proportional to the ratio of MP conserved.

--Raider's Attire +2 Set
11069 -- Raider's Bonnet+2
11089 -- Raider's Vest+2
11109 -- Raider's Armlets+2
11129 -- Raider's Culottes+2
11149 -- Raider's Poulaines+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Triple Attack"
-- "Triple Attack" - Occasionally causes the second and third hits of a Triple Attack to deal triple damage.Verification Needed Requires a minimum of two pieces.

--Ravager's Armor +2 Set
11064 -- Ravager's Mask+2
11084 -- Ravager's Lorica+2
11104 -- Ravager's Mufflers+2
11124 -- Ravager's Cuisses+2
11144 -- Ravager's Calligae+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments "Double Attack"
-- Causes Double Attacks to occasionally deal double damage.

--Orison Attire +2 Set
11066 -- Orison Cap+2
11086 -- Orison Bliaud+2
11106 -- Orison Mitts+2
11126 -- Orison Pantaloons+2
11146 -- Orison Duckbills+2
-- Set Bonus: Augments elemental resistance spells
-- Bar Elemental spells will occasionally nullify damage of the same element.
Last edited by GalkaSmash on Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:58 am, edited 7 times in total.
wandering the real world for awhile until I figure out where to hand in this damn quest, orz.

Posts: 169
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Re: Set Bonuses List

Post by link » Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:13 pm

Awsome stuff thanks ^^

Posts: 31
Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:42 pm

Re: Set Bonuses List

Post by GalkaSmash » Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:17 pm

Cobra Unit Coat Set
Fourth Division Cuirass Set
Iron Ram Chainmail Set

I'm going to compile all sets 76 through 99 as well for completion sake. If you can find others beneath 75 I'll go through and add them to the list, combing for them myself as well.
wandering the real world for awhile until I figure out where to hand in this damn quest, orz.

Posts: 31
Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:42 pm

Re: Set Bonuses List

Post by GalkaSmash » Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:39 pm

Hachiryu Armor Set
Teal Saio Set
Perle Hauberk Set
Aurore Doublet Set
Ogier's Armor Set
Athos's Armor Set
Rubeus Armor Set
Calma Armor Set
Magavan Armor Set
Mustela Armor Set
Fazheluo Mail Set
Cuauhtli Harness Set
Hyksos Robe Set

All of these are already in the DB even if some are over 75 - they're actually a lot more simple than the lower set bonuses since they're a straight mod addition. Useful for the 75-99 servers.
wandering the real world for awhile until I figure out where to hand in this damn quest, orz.

Posts: 238
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Re: Set Bonuses List

Post by Flunklesnarkin » Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:24 pm

Nice work ^^

Posts: 169
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:27 pm

Re: Set Bonuses List

Post by link » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:05 pm

This list is excellent. Would be a good idea to color the completed sets in green (only the ones that are present and working in the script) :D

The green I used is #008000

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Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:42 pm

Re: Set Bonuses List

Post by GalkaSmash » Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:44 pm

Added Empyrean Armor Sets+2 (AF3+2) - a lot of these will require their own set modifier when they become implemented.

For completions sake it seemed good to just preemptively finish all of these. Added headers to divide up each according to their drop type. Salvage+1 is the only set I can think of missing at the moment that we don't have in our database anyways yet. I'll add it to the bottom and color code the table accordingly. Do you want this color coded according to 75 cap or what is in the game and working? I'm from a 99 cap server mostly(funserv) so that I can mess with things more freely but we have some of these higher equipment sets working properly. A lot of Abyssea era equipment displays properly in-game. If you can think of another Set that has a Set Bonus post it here, I'll get it done.
wandering the real world for awhile until I figure out where to hand in this damn quest, orz.

Posts: 169
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Re: Set Bonuses List

Post by link » Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:55 pm

Stuff thats working 100% in the script file can go green regardless of lvl cap^^

Just means I can see clearly what needs adding to svn.

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Re: Set Bonuses List

Post by GalkaSmash » Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:56 pm

So I've had an afterthought - would it be fair to group items like Virtue Weapons & Additional Effect Weapons that require Wind Fans/Batteries as ammunition as gear sets to receive their modifier? I'm not sure how that would work or how to factor in the removal of 1 ammunition per swing, somebody more technically inclined could elaborate on that train of thought. But I'll go about adding them all correctly if so. (They do all function as 1+1 = bonus, they however also have the additional use of 1 ammunition.)

Justice Sword for example would be 100% double attack with the expending of a virtue stone.
wandering the real world for awhile until I figure out where to hand in this damn quest, orz.

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Re: Set Bonuses List

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:54 pm

I'd honestly just look at how /ra handles ammunition, although I highly suspect that it will keep looking at inventory slot X after ammunition has run out. If you get another drop that falls into slot X... oddness. :)

Unless that's been fixed, in which case, disregard.

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