Apocalypse612 Contributions

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Apocalypse612 Contributions

Post by Apocalypse612 » Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:55 pm

Synth Patch:

-This will look hectic on tortoise-Diff because it was from Myphpadmin before, I dumped it from mysql. (should be virtually the same)
-Taken from FFXI-free's Broken Synths thread:


Cooking (56)
Yield: Pot-au-feu x2
HQ 1: Pot-au-feu x4
HQ 2: Pot-au-feu +1 x2
HQ 3: Pot-au-feu +1 x4
Fire Crystal

1 x Popoto
1 x Giant Femur
1 x Hare Meat
1 x Frost Turnip
1 x San d'Orian Carrot

Yellow Curry Bun

Cooking (54)
Yield: Yellow Curry Bun x 6
HQ 1: Yellow Curry Bun x 8
HQ 2: Yellow Curry Bun +1 x 6
HQ 3: Yellow Curry Bun +1 x 8
Fire Crystal

1 x Bird Egg
1 x Yellow Curry
1 x San d'Orian Flour
1 x Olive Oil


Cooking (45)
Yield: Goulash
HQ 1: Goulash +1
Fire Crystal

1 x Coeurl Meat
1 x Mithran Tomato
1 x Paprika
1 x Popoto
1 x Distilled Water

Cooking (45)

Yield: Goulash
HQ 1: Goulash +1
Fire Crystal

1 x Mithran Tomato
1 x Lynx Meat
1 x Paprika
1 x Popoto
1 x Distilled Water

Blessed Mitts DESYNTH

Clothcraft (96)
Yield: Saruta Cotton x 1
HQ1: Saruta Cotton x 1
HQ2: Gold Thread x 1
Lightning Crystal

1 x Blessed Mitts

Mythril Knife DESYNTH

Yield: Chestnut Lumber x1
HQ 1: Chestnut Lumber x1
HQ 2: Mythril Nugget x4
HQ 3: Mythril Nugget x6
Lightning Crystal

Mythril Knife

Raptor Jerkin Desynth

Leathercraft (58)
Lightning Crystal
Yield: Sheep Leather
HQ 1: Sheep Leather
HQ 2: Raptor Skin
HQ 3: Raptor Skin x2


Goldsmithing (60)
Yield: Gold Ingot x 1
HQ 1: Gold Ingot x 1
HQ 2: Gold Ingot x 2
Lightning Crystal

Photoanima (this had a typo)

Alchemy (85)
Yield: Photoanima x 1
Fire Crystal
Anima Synthesis (Key Item)
1 x Fire Anima
1 x Ice Anima
1 x Wind Anima
1 x Earth Anima
1 x Lightning Anima
1 x Water Anima
1 x Light Anima
1 x Dark Anima


Woodworking (55)
Yield: Oak Lumber
HQ 1: Oak Lumber x 2
Lightning Crystal
1 x Oak Pole

Droplist Patch:

Remainder of my undead revisions that got reverted in Whasf's fix for my screw up.

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Last edited by Apocalypse612 on Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Some Synthesis Recipe Additions

Post by whasf » Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:33 pm

Committed synth patch: r3968
Committed drop patch: r3969
-- Whasf

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Re: Some Synthesis Recipe Additions

Post by Apocalypse612 » Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:58 pm

Revised. See post below.
Last edited by Apocalypse612 on Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Apocalypse612 Contributions

Post by Strikers » Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:59 pm


Double Negative! It means you did break something this time!

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Re: Apocalypse612 Contributions

Post by kjLotus » Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:11 am


Double Negative! It means you did break something this time!
he's just telling the truth

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Re: Apocalypse612 Contributions

Post by Apocalypse612 » Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:45 pm

This will do for now.


Riv. Site A:

Imdugud will now spawn. Updated Loot Table (close to FFXIDB). (HP @ 7,000 - guesstimation)
Boroka will now properly respawn 21-24 hours - HP @ 8,000 (wiki)
Unstable Cluster will now spawn in the right position. - HP @ 10,000 (W)

Luf. Meadows:

Amaltheia will now spawn. Update loot table. -Lack of wiki info - Gave 30,000 HP for now


Big Bomb will now spawn. Updated loot table and gave the 6 Friar Lanterns outside his pop area chance to drop the smokey flask. HP @ 30,000 (Guestimation

Upper Delk's Tower:

Fixed typo in Alky's script. Gave wiki HP @ 10,000 (W)
Pallas will now be spawnable. Gave hip @ 8,000 (Guesstimation)

King R's Tomb:

Cemetary Cherry will now spawn (used arthro logic). Updated loot tables. Gave her 40,000 HP (W)

Jugner Forest:

Fraelissa will now spawn. Updated loot tables. HP @ 2,500 (W)
-- Fradubio loot table update. Currently will spawn every 21-24 hours (just like the NM Rams in Highlands/La Thiene are currently spawning). HP @ 10,000 (W) Need to get this NM to lotto spawn off Frae eventually.

Crawler's Nest:

-------------------------- TODO: Appears to have a better spawn rate during 19:00-06:00 . add ~15% each
Awd Goggie will now spawn
Drone Crawler 1 + 2 will now spawn
Guardian Crawler 1 + 2 will now spawn - HP @ 3,100 Wiki
MAtron Crawler will now Spawn
Queen Crawler will now spawn

Temple of Ug.

Crimson Footed Pawberry will now not die instantly in 1 hit <,< . He was set to level 0. Gave wiki HP of 10,000


Goliath - Fixed loot table
(Bug 872) Western Shadow will now spwan. Temprary fix. These mobs need to be made into true lottery spawns.


Geush Urvan will now spawn. - Lack of wiki info - Gave 30,000 HP for now (Guesstimation)

Some HP fixes:

Gave Simurgh 45,000 HP (W)
Gave Roc HP of 30,000 (W)
Bomb Queen will now have 50,000 HP (W). Was also despawning to quickly. set to 15m.
Lumber Jack will now have 25,000 HP (W)
Dark Spark will now have 8,500 HP (W)
Hakutaku will now have 50,000 HP (w)
Bloodtear Balfurf will now have 20,000 HP (W)
Lumbering Lambert - HP 2,200 (W)
Rampaging Ram - Hp 2,200 (W)
Steelfleece Baldarich - HP 20,000 (W)
Leech King - Giving him 3,200 HP (Guestimation based on argus)
Morbolgor - 2,800 HP (W)
Mysticmaker profblix - HP 4,500 (W)
Ose - HP @ 9400 (W)
Peg Powler - HP @ 10000 (W)
Hellion - HP @ 15,000 (w)
Lord of Onzozo - HP @ 13,000 (W)
Voluptuous Vilma - HP @ 6,000 (W)
Rose Guarden - HP @ 5,000 (Guestimation)
Ungur - HP @ 20,000 (W)
Guivre will now have 22k HP (Guestimation based on Ungur)
Ash Dragon - Giving him 30k HP (Guestimation)
Bune - 20k HP (Guestimation)
Jaded Jody will now have 13800 HP (W)
Charbydis will now have 30,000 HP (W)
Xolotl - Giving 20k HP (Guestimation)
Amikiri will now have 25k HP (W)
Ancient Goobbue - 18k HP (W)
NIghtmare Vase - 7k HP (W)
Unut - 6,300 HP (W)

More Crap:

- Gration's ??? will now despawn / respawn -- Removed 1 shield from his drop list (shouldnt drop 2). Set it to 50%. Added HQ / NQ drop % logic
- Golden-tongued Culberry - Will now spawn. Gave 20k HP (Guess), and 30k MP (W), removed 1 of the duplicate knives from his loot table. Added logic for HQ and NQ drop %'s
- Someone wanna add the latent affect to his Pendant? ^.^d

- (Bug 1028) Shadow Dragon and Lumber Jack will now have their proper gil drops. - Lumber 15-20k, Shadow Dragon 1,076~2,765

- Fix for flame spouts in Ifrits having WAY too short a downtime. Made them a 90 second downtime . Same for ice cluster trade
- Fix Temple of Ugg. having switched mob id's for a wespe and a temple opo-opo near the entrance
Final Product - Patch Files.rar
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Re: Apocalypse612 Contributions

Post by whasf » Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:29 pm

SQL Committed 3987
-- Whasf

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Re: Apocalypse612 Contributions

Post by whasf » Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:31 pm

automatisaion.lua commit 3988
-- Whasf

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Re: Apocalypse612 Contributions

Post by whasf » Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:51 pm

Zone scripts committed 3989
-- Whasf

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Re: Apocalypse612 Contributions

Post by Apocalypse612 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:29 pm

Patch 4:

- Fix spawn potion of Temple_guardian (was stuck in a wall)
- Added spawn positions for all caretakers (They currently cant spawn ATM though, needs coding :(
- Moved back slightly some spawn points of orcs right on top of the Monastic Cavern entrance (8 shouldnt aggro you when you zone in, this zone needs a lot of work)
- fixed ladybug ring to be a 65 bone recipe instead of 62. also added a desynth for it
- add desynth recipe: cotton sitabaki, faceeguard, lizard jerkin, brass cuisses, gold earring, angels flute
- Tribunus VII-I should now spawn.
- Gave Amalthia his immunities
- Fixed dyna synth items NPCing for too much gil.
- Fix for 2 dynamis mobs that had the wrong job type. some wrong combat skill types too

Fixed Droprates of following:

Tyranic Turrok - Lohar should be 100% drop.
Fallen Evacuee

Fixed Gil rates of the following NM's:

King Arthro - 15k-20k
Cemetery Cherry - 20k-30k
Despot - 18,000~29,250 gil
Faust - 17,986~27,482 gil
Brigandish Blade - 18,227~18,606
Triarius X-XV - 6,000 - 9234
Antican Consul - 6,000 - 9234
Antican Legatus - 6,000 - 9234
Antican Praetor - 6,000 - 9234
Antican Tribunus - 6,000 - 9234
Tribunus VII-I - 6,000 - 9234
Antican Proconsul - 2,100 - 4,500
Antican Magister - 2,100 - 4,500
Antican Praefectus - 2,100 - 4,500
Hastatus XI-Xii - 450 - 650g
Centurio X-I - 2000 - 6000
Sagittarius X-XIII - 1000-3000
Proconsul XII - 6000 - 9234
Nussacker - 4800 - 6000
Diamond Daig - 1,200 -3,000 (YouTube)
Sabotender Bailarina - 10000 - 13640
Tyranic Turrok - 6,000

Following mobs will now have proper HP Values:

Tribunus VII-I - 10,000
Antican Consul - 14,000
Antican Legatus - 13000 (guess based on proconsul)
Antican Praetor - 10,000 (Guestimation)
Antican Tribunus - 10,500 (Guestimation)
Triarius X-XV - 11,500 (Guesstimation)
Antican Proconsul - 7,000
Antican Magister - 7,000
Antican Praefectus - 7,500
Hastatus Xi-XII - 7,000
Centurio X-I - 5,500
Sagittarius X-XIII - 6,000 (Guesstmation)
Proconsul XII - 13,000
Nussacker - 7,000
Diamond Daig - 13,000 (Youtube + Used maths)

skogs fru - 4,700

CoP Area NM's:
Delver - 3600
Wreaker - 3800 - Guess
Progenerator - 3700 (Guess)
Minotaur - 5,000 HP (Youtube)
Mammuts - 4k each for now, It might very depending on form though. (youtube)
Overgrown Ivy - 4,500
Liomere - 4,400
Diabolos - Increased to 6,000 from 5,200. Also gave his level 80 version 9k HP.
Keremet - 6k (youtube)
Old_Professor_Mariselle - 5,000 (youtube)
Mariselle's pupil - 1k (youtube)
Elel - 6,000 (youtube)
Indich - 6500 (guess based on Balor)
Luaith - 6400 (guess based on Balor)
Balor - 6300 (youtube math)
Caithleann - 6,200 (guess based on Balor)
Lobais - 6,100 (guess based on Balor)
Nunyunuwi - 3,500
Ponderer - 3850
procreater / agonizer / cumulator - 5k each (youtube)
Disaster Idol - Gave 6k HP. He was also only level 29.. Supposed to be 75.
Warder aglaia / euphrosyne / thalia - 5k each
DAlham - gave 9300 HP and level 72. Was level 40..
Boggleman - Gave 7600 HP . Level 73 was 40ish..
Cryptonberry Executioner - 5k HP. gave the assassins he summons 4500 each. Their max level shouldnt have been level 80
ru aern NM's - 5,000 each
ix ghrah - 9,000 HP

Zilart Related:

Grav iton - 4,700
Molyb'iton - 4,500 (youtube)
Tungs'iton - 4,500 (youtube)
Centurio V-III - 8,000 (youtube)
Princeps V-XI - 6,800 (youtube)
Triarius V-VIII - 7000 (youtube)
Carthi and tipha - 6,000 each
Axesarion the Wanderer - 8,200
Ancient / Legendary Weapons - 7k each (Guestimation based on Carthi/tipha)
Doomed Pilgrims - 17,000 HP
Ancient Vessle - 8,000 HP
Ubume - 6,000 HP

Sky Related:

- Moved back the spawn point of a weapon in Palace. It was right on top of where you zone in. (MobID: 17506459)
- Groundskeepers in sky will now aggro sight and magic (ones on the colored lights)
- Despot should now be a proper lottery spawn. Now immune to slow, gave him ~12.5% increase move speed.
- the ??? respawn for the 4 gods will now be 2 minutes instead of 15.
- Gave Faust 100%+ movement speed + Immunities
- fixed Brigandish Blade's ??? respawn to 5 minutes
- Lowered HP on detectors to 500 (was 4.2k)

Added motherglobes respawn time 3-6 hours
Added fausts respawn time 3-6 hours
Gave Roc, Simurgh, Serket, Behemoth, King Behemoth, and Lord of Onzozo their rage timers (they didn't have one previously)

P.S. - No chunk errors. That is all
scripts folder.patch
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