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One SQL Injection Full Database

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:36 am
by WiiStream
This is full database one file injection. Installing the database takes for ever doing it one by one this way much faster.

This is for Rev 3890

Re: One SQL Injection Full Database

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:45 am
by lautan
I don't recommend running this. This will get out of date fast and will cause potential bugs / crashes. I remember seeing a batch script that runs all updated sql files.

Re: One SQL Injection Full Database

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:39 pm
by atom0s

Code: Select all

REM =============================================================================
REM =============================================================================
REM ======                                                              =========
REM ====== THis script will drop the DB specificed, then create the DB  =========
REM ====== specified, and then load all .sql tables from its run dir to =========
REM ====== the the DB.                                                  =========
REM ======                                                              =========
REM ====== File needs to be run from within the \dsp\sql folder (same   =========
REM ====== folder with all the .sql files. Please edit as needed. By    =========
REM ====== default it WILL DROP the standard dspdb DB, loosing all      =========
REM ====== accounts and characters. If this is not desired, then update =========
REM ====== the file to load the new DB into a new DB name.              =========
REM ======                                                              =========
REM ====== Update -p with MySQL password. If you password is 'foo',     =========
REM ====== then change '-pMYSQLPASS' to '-pfoo' (3 places).             =========
REM ======                                                              =========
REM ====== If you want to use a different database name, change 'dspdb' =========
REM ====== with a database name of your choosing.                       =========
REM ======                                                              =========
REM =============================================================================
REM =============================================================================
REM ======                                                              =========
REM ====== by Thrydwolf 9/8/2012                                        =========
REM ====== Updated with status by bluekirby0 3/30/2012                  =========
REM ====== Updated by Thrydwolf 9/18/2012                               =========
REM ======                                                              =========
REM =============================================================================
REM =============================================================================

ECHO Creating Database dspdb
mysqladmin -h localhost -u root -pPASSWORD_HERE DROP dspdb

ECHO Creating Database dspdb
mysqladmin -h localhost -u root -pPASSWORD_HERE CREATE dspdb

ECHO Loading dspdb with tables
REM FOR %%X IN (*.sql) DO mysql dspdb -h localhost -u root -pPASSWORD_HERE < %%X
FOR %%X IN (*.sql) DO ECHO Importing %%X & mysql dspdb -h localhost -u root -pPASSWORD_HERE < %%X

ECHO Finished!
Save as a batch in the sql folder. Edit the name/pass/port as needed in all the spots.

Re: One SQL Injection Full Database

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:32 pm
by atom0s
Moved to committed since it is not really something that will be added as it is not needed/wanted.