New item drops and fixed mob_spawn_point (Bu'Ghi Howlblade)

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New item drops and fixed mob_spawn_point (Bu'Ghi Howlblade)

Post by DarkSlayerEX » Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:08 pm

All drops have been tested, and worked on my private server. Further checking still recommended however, as I've never made a patch before this.

Mobs now spawn over time:
Bu_Ghi_Howlblade (Still isn't lottery pop though)

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `mob_spawn_points` VALUES (17363181,'Bu_Ghi_Howlblade',7803,185.502,-31.864,175.730,130);-----------------------------------
Mobs now have dropIDs and drops:
Bu'Gui Howlblade: Marine Shield, Quadav Helm, Scale Gorget
Ge'Dha Evileye: Invisible, Sneak, Holy Phial, Faerie Tunic
Spook: Cotton Cloth, Luminicloth, Revival Tree Root, Traveler's Mantle
Da'Dha Hundredmask: Parrying Knife, Mithran Scimitar
No'Mho Crimsonarmor: Bonze's Circlet, Pixie Mace

New item drops in existing DropID's:
Yagudo Piper; Meriphitaud Mountains: Mage's Ballad Scroll
Yagudo Piper; Giddeus: Mage's Ballad Scroll
Wendigo; Inner Horutoto Ruins: Test Answers

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `mob_groups` VALUES (7803,590,143,10800,0,4390,0,0,12,12); -- Bu'Gui Howlblade
INSERT INTO `mob_groups` VALUES (7812,2916,143,86400,0,4392,0,0,22,23); -- No'Mho Crimsonarmor
INSERT INTO `mob_groups` VALUES (7956,928,147,5940,0,4394,0,0,30,30); -- Da'Dha Hundredmask
INSERT INTO `mob_groups` VALUES (7962,1509,147,11880,0,4389,0,0,30,30); -- Ge'Dha Evileye
INSERT INTO `mob_groups` VALUES (9544,3739,190,660,1,4393,0,0,11,13); -- Spook

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4129, 0, 544, 4); -- Wendigo: Inner Horutoto Ruins; Test Answers
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4279, 0, 4994, 10); -- Yagudo Piper; Meriphataud Mountains: Mage's Ballad Scroll
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4280, 0, 4994, 7); -- Yagudo Piper; Giddeus: Mage's Ballad Scroll
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4390, 0, 12340, 10); -- Bu'Ghi Howlblade; Marine Shield
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4390, 0, 501, 10); -- Bu'Ghi Howlblade; Quadav Helm
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4390, 0, 13071, 10); -- Bu'Ghi Howlblade; Scale Gorget
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4391, 0, 16934, 10); -- Zi-Ghi BoneEater; Braveheart
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4391, 0, 12797, 90); -- Zi-Ghi BoneEater; Coarse Gauntlets
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4392, 0, 13837, 93);	-- No'Mho Crimsonarmor; Bonze's Circlet
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4392, 0, 17414, 7);	-- No'Mho Crimsonarmor; Pixie Mace
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4393, 0, 825, 46);	-- Spook; Cotton Cloth
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4393, 0, 529, 11);	-- Spook; Luminicloth
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4393, 0, 940, 32);	-- Spook; Revival Tree Toot
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4393, 0, 13613, 18);	-- Spook; Traveler's Mantle
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4394, 0, 16754, 84);	-- Da'Dha Hundredmask; Parrying Knife
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4394, 0, 16819, 16);	-- Da'Dha Hundredmask; Mithran Scimitar
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4395, 0, 4744, 53); -- Ge'Dha Evileye; Invisible Scroll
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4395, 0, 4745, 22); -- Ge'Dha Evileye;Sneak Scroll
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4395, 0, 13073, 16); -- Ge'Dha Evileye;Holy Phial
INSERT INTO `mob_droplist` VALUES(4395, 0, 13731, 8); -- Ge'Dha Evileye;Faerie Tunic
Mob Drops.patch
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Re: New item drops and fixed mob_spawn_point (Bu'Ghi Howlbla

Post by whasf » Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:02 pm

Committed r2694, thanks!
-- Whasf

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