Blue Magic - Magical type moves
Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:38 pm
Ok so I have gotten pretty much all Blue mage Magic-type spells working (aside from self-destruct and 1000 needles).
Please test these out and let me know what you think. We all know I'm not the best coder so that's why I am letting you all have at it before I commit anything.
Any suggestions/changes, let me know!
Also, you'll notice that the D cap is set to 69 for a lot of moves, this is because there is no info on their cap and most moves over 50ish seem to be stated that their d cap is >= 69 so for now sitting it at 69 and we can move it around if we find new info for those few moves.
NOTE: While I tested and verified that Azure lore , burst affinity and Convergence will properly affect magic type spells, I left those 3 abilities as deactivated so players would not start reporting bugs that the abilities aren't working. However, once the abilities get made the magic spells will already be adding in proper calculations.
Please test these out and let me know what you think. We all know I'm not the best coder so that's why I am letting you all have at it before I commit anything.
Any suggestions/changes, let me know!
Also, you'll notice that the D cap is set to 69 for a lot of moves, this is because there is no info on their cap and most moves over 50ish seem to be stated that their d cap is >= 69 so for now sitting it at 69 and we can move it around if we find new info for those few moves.
NOTE: While I tested and verified that Azure lore , burst affinity and Convergence will properly affect magic type spells, I left those 3 abilities as deactivated so players would not start reporting bugs that the abilities aren't working. However, once the abilities get made the magic spells will already be adding in proper calculations.