PChar->pushPacket(new CChatMessagePacket(PChar, MESSAGE_SAY, "Getting Max Magic Points %u")),PChar->Health.mp;
something like that.
I was wondering about this when the getMaxHp function is being called is it requesting a value
inline int32 CLuaBaseEntity::getMaxMP(lua_State *L)
or is it just asking to get the value to send it back to some thing?
what one would be right
or both?
is there a way to print out in client %u with
Re: is there a way to print out in client %u with
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int32 n = PChar->GetMaxHP();
char buf[110];
sprintf(buf,"Getting Max Health Points: %d", (int)n);
PChar->pushPacket(new CChatMessagePacket(PChar, MESSAGE_STRING_SAY , ("%s",buf)));