I'm trying to find the cutscene ID for a string of scenes in Lower Delkfutt's Tower (1/20/121.dat). If you look at Offset 470/0x1d6, there's actually a list of the scenes (0x0016, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x0027.) Logically, it seems like there should be an EventID nearby that sets off that sequence, but random stabs on my part have had no success. Those are definitely the cutscenes I'm looking for, though.
Is there anyone that's more familiar with how the EventID files are structured that can offer pointers? I'm pretty sure there's a similar issue in Sacrificial Chamber with the end of ZM4/beginning of ZM5, but instead I see BCNM IDs in roughly the same area.
Googling for anyone that breaks down the structure hasn't been very successful. I only have a vague idea of what I'm doing, and thought I'd put out some feelers to see if anyone might already be versed in this.