Dualsend for all your multiboxing needs
Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:11 pm
Link to download Dualsend, just unpack and once you've logged your character into game, load dualsend. To send commands between windows use //send "Charname" /command. Ex- //send Gutlord /ma "Deodorize" <me> will tell gutlord to destink himself. When using Ashita it seems to work best if you write your //send commands into text files in the scripts folder inside Ashita, and then use /exec whatever.txt in your macros 1-0 to call the commands. This way you can cram all sorts of stuff into one macro as well.
Link to download Dualsend, just unpack and once you've logged your character into game, load dualsend. To send commands between windows use //send "Charname" /command. Ex- //send Gutlord /ma "Deodorize" <me> will tell gutlord to destink himself. When using Ashita it seems to work best if you write your //send commands into text files in the scripts folder inside Ashita, and then use /exec whatever.txt in your macros 1-0 to call the commands. This way you can cram all sorts of stuff into one macro as well.