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Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 5:01 pm
by elrim208
I've tried most servers around here, but I haven't found one that takes me back to the classic final fantasy experience.

I feel like 1x everything, no FoVs (essentially taking away a solo experience to lvl 75), and no expansions past ToAU (though I'd prefer only go up to CoP personally), and disabling all extra travel conveniences (aside from what was originally in the game during these expansions) is an absolute must for a true classic server. Essentially, after 15 or so you have to group or you can't exp, and a lot of content just requires a good group to get it in a timely manner (AF etc).

There are some modern things I could see working with this vision including a modified level sync so people have a better chance of grouping, but it has to be set up in a way that not everyone levels in valk dunes 18-75. I envision (and could possibly code) something that allows you to only level sync within certain level brackets or reduces the exp gain for those who grossly outlevel a group they intend to sync with.

I'm not saying that the other servers out there aren't enjoyable in their own right, but, for me, it has to be as close to the way it was as possible. I don't think I have the means to host a server properly or I would give this a try.

I have to believe there are some other people who share this vision. The darkstar team made the option of making a server like this, but none that I have found have FoVs disabled and/or explorer moogles disabled.

Re: Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 6:38 pm
by atom0s
Era is probably going to give you the best bet towards this playstyle. You can find their server here:

Re: Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 6:41 pm
by kjLotus
how is era even close to that

Re: Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 7:08 pm
by atom0s
None of the other private servers are level capped or stop at Treasures, all of them are upto 99.
As I said in my post the "closest" will be Era, not saying it is exactly what they want.

Re: Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 7:20 pm
by kjLotus
atom0s wrote:None of the other private servers are level capped or stop at Treasures, all of them are upto 99.
As I said in my post the "closest" will be Era, not saying it is exactly what they want.
DS oldschool is closer than era is :p

Re: Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 6:51 am
by nasomi
I set out with that vision elrim. We're capped @75, but inevitably had to keep level sync open. Due to lower population, even at 50-100 players people will struggle to find a party to xp unless they can sync to anything available. We do have people partying in the dunes, some at higher levels, but only because there's no other option. The dunes burns you out, so people do look to go elsewhere. Popular spots are qufim, kazham, garlidge citadel, rollanberry fields, or cape terrigan. Higher level parties don't occur as often because the crowd tend to thin at higher levels.

We do have a 100% player generated AH and fully functional HELM. Fishing will be finished soon, and due to no gardening, elemental ores have been added to certain excavation points. I don't populate the AH with anything, if players want it hey have to make it or harvest it or camp it. It's a love-hate relationship, though as some items are extremely difficult to obtain that way. Still we have someone at 80+ with almost every craft.

We stop at ToAu, but the emphesis is on CoP. There are things like FoV in place and explorer moogles to go between the starting cities, but you have to be level 10 to use them.

Where ever you land, good luck and have fun!

Re: Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 5:37 am
by masterurat
Server Im slowly working on will be a very hardcore. Once all the core necessities are implemented I will start trying to find a good host for the server and Ill start working on implementing more things on my server.

I will go for lv 75 cap, but due to the stuff below you will see why a 75 cap is actually a lot harder to get to and be at...

#1: Death results in character deletion. All raise/reraise spells will be removed from the game except Raise 1, which will only be rarely obtainable from BCNM30s. Furthermore, the death timer will be dropped from 60 minutes down to a mere 2-4 minutes (Ill tweak this to find a good value). Once the death timer ends, your character gets wiped. This will first and foremost make people actually take fights seriously. Afking will be dangerous business, sneak and invis will be mandatory for most mages, and a lot of content will have to be taken with a more serious attitude.

#2: All zones will have level caps. Above ground zones will have pretty easy going level caps (by the time you cap your level all normal mobs should con Too weak with the rare Easy prey). Most dungeons wont have level caps since they often have HNMs and other tough mobs spawning in their depths, so a level cap of 75 is necessary. Jugner forest is a good example of a zone I need to cap at 75 since king arthro is a thing.

#3: Advanced jobs will require specific job levels to be unlocked. IE: Ranger requires you to be a level 30 monk and level 30 thief to start the unlock quest. So on and so forth. Also, you will only have 2 starting jobs instead of 6. The other 4 unlocks as you level starting jobs to level 10. The rotation is War->Mnk->Thf->War, Whm->blm->Rdm->Whm. The starting jobs unlocked are, the job you choose, and then War or Rdm will be unlocked for you depending on which rotation you start in (IE if you start as a monk rdm is unlocke,d if you start as blm, war is unlocked)

#4: I am removing as many unneccessary limits as I can. Wait times on boats dropped down significantly if I can, airship riding/wait time dropped down to half if I can, no limit on how many crafts you can skill up to 100, and I will try and unlimit merits in anyway I can (atm I have it so you can hold 99 merits at once)

#5: I will need a way to encoruage players to advance in the game and not stagnate because they don't want to take on challenges for risk of dying so... The first few times on the server that certain BCNMs, HNMs, etc are killed, drop rates will be 100% and decline down to their proper drop rates every time they are beaten. I am thinking it will take 5 successful server wide kills for the drop rate to become normal. This will take quite a bit of work on my behalf to add so I don't expect this to be done for awhile.

#6: This will be the hardest to implement. I want to code pools of augments based on armor slots. Whenever gear drops (and I am going to make almost everything drop gear) it will roll augments on it depending on the slot it is and its level.

As I am aware, augments aren't even really implemented in the code, however I did some work with the windower team and have a basic idea of how augments work so I think I can do this, but it will take a LOT of work to do. But I am excited for this in particular :D

I am expecting at least a couple months worth of work for these core pieces to be done and the server to be up and running. Bare with me, and if anyone wants to help I'd love it.

Re: Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:42 am
by atom0s
1. Will not work well as auto-homepointing is currently still a thing.
2. Will not work in the exact manner that you want since a lot of outside zones have HNMs in them.
3. ---
4. ---
5. Drops are handled internally in the core so it will not be something you will easily just limit to 5 times at 100% and go normal without creating a bunch of server variables and so on.
6. Correct, augments are not implemented at all.

Re: Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 7:05 pm
by deviltti
Item augments are more like half implemented. Augments can be set, but they don't apply item modifiers.

Re: Hardcore SE-like Server

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:34 am
by masterurat
Ok so I can roll augments on my gear (working and done) but they aren't actually doing anything? :|