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Zynjec - Warning - Hacks servers

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:58 am
by holidaycontrol

I run the private server "Control" and I wanted to report an issue with one of the members of this particular site, as he is on various private servers and is a contributor on this forum. His behavior bothered me very much and I'd like to warn other private server admins and developers of his actions and manic behavior. This is not a drama post but is a post to warn other private server admins of this user.

Zynjec is a decently skilled SQL programmer and he had access to our game server. He was upset that there was a certain user on our server, who had some very HQ items due to an auction house issue. He wanted ‘fair play’ throughout the entire server which is absolutely fine, but it did not happen fast enough to his liking. He therefor starting spamming everyone on the server and warped various players to different areas and was banned. He then created a second character while at his girlfriend’s cottage and using another IP, and used this character to crash the server and spam our players/chat which bothered and disrupted our entire player base. He didn’t even try to hide his IP/VPN which surprised me very much.

I advised him at the time I knew it was him and he starting rambling on about his friend dying of an overdose and having mental issues etc. Zynjec seems to suffer from being bipolar but I am not sure, it's actually quite sad but it's not my business.

I am just here to warn others of what he did to crash, hack and cause drama on our server. He will not be allowed back.


UPDATE: Lots of users coming forward that Zyn has hacked their server as well.

Re: Zynjec - Warning - Hacks servers

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:11 pm
by Samishi-taru
I saw this post on Reddit also. We ran a private server a while back and zynjec spammed our server also. He was not happy with the way we configured extra content and decided to DOS attack us. We had to block two IPs from him. Hopefully more come forward, that’s terrible. It is important to report it though, in order to educate all.

Re: Zynjec - Warning - Hacks servers

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:34 pm
by TeoTwawki
Both subreddits and the forums now. The reason ppl were getting ticked off is you were spamming multiple channels on multiple discords. Don't have to be everywhere to warn other servers.

Re: Zynjec - Warning - Hacks servers

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:42 pm
by holidaycontrol
I understand Teo, I'll stay far away from the discord chat as that's meant for chat. Zynjec was using this particular forum to gain trust into other private server admins, in order to gain access to the server due to being a contributor of code. He would then hack, spam and crash it without anyone really reporting it until now. We will not be spamming or advertising this in discord at all. He is in two locations for server/admin knowledge. Here and reddit.

I've had 3 others come forward about hacking, spamming, crashing their server as well. It's unfortunate that Zynjec uses this wonderful forum, that provides so much knowledge about private ffxi servers, in order to take advantage of others and gain access to their servers to hack and spam.

Re: Zynjec - Warning - Hacks servers

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:23 pm
by TeoTwawki
Important thing: Crashing is an annoyance anyone can cause (even intentionally), need people to send in the crashdumps for so we can get them fixed.

As far as Zynjec, we know he's trolling almost 24/7 and he's pretty obvious about it. Never met the other guy. I can believe he crashed and spammed, he's done that before. If I ask him he'd likely tell me. We aren't buddies he's just open about it. Keep in mind that doesn't require hacking to do. Abuse of GM powers isn't hacking either. The story of what Zynjec did has altered 3 times now. Benefit of the doubt: perhaps you didn't have all the details when you started posting.

The only reason you got kicked off both discords yesterday was you were spamming it when everyone wanted it to stop. Era admin told me you hit their discord too. The \r\PrivateReamls discord has a room with all the servers in it at once (except I think supernova? I am not sure) but yet the message was being copy pasted repeatedly. Bad form. Looking at your post history that's how you advertised your server too..Just went everywhere and spammed it. Some subs will ban for that (hope you tried to contact the mods first).

Regarding our PMs on discord, I was already annoyed with the spam, I wasn't "upset by your post" I was irritated by cry spam - most of us are beyond sick of server drama bleeding out of on server into everyone else's space.
[6:23 PM] control: I just want one post so other servers are aware, in case these two players try to JOIN the servers.
If it had been one post, we wouldn't have been talking. It was 2 general chats era's and nasomi's and replaced after they deleted them to. Plus the Admins told me they'd warned you about it already. And then blocking, unblocking to mouth off, then reblocking? Went a long way towards convincing me this isn't about warning anyone and is in fact about making yourself feel better. I've heard some things from former players that make me think there is no innocent party here. Not Gemini, not Zynjec, not the owner of the server - just grade a typical server drama. /headdesk

Your warning out there. We know. Lets focus on fixing the crash so it can't be used again.

Re: Zynjec - Warning - Hacks servers

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:31 pm
by holidaycontrol
Thank you for the professional reply and I 100% agree. When I was first posting about it, I agree that I was not doing it in the best manner and should have contacted YOU/ADMIN first. The details/facts about Zynjec hacking/crashing servers to cause problems have been updated and formalized, and again sorry to bring it to the wonderful people who literally give us the ability to even run a FFXI Private Server.

As a server owner/administrator myself, I wanted to prevent others servers, forum admins (like yourself) and programmers from having to deal with Zynjec and his drama trolling. On another note, will post crash details on here! :)


Re: Zynjec - Warning - Hacks servers

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:46 pm
by TeoTwawki
Whasf's the forums guy here. For the reddit discord you want Atom0s or Gweivyth, for Darkstars's discord probably best to talk with Lotus but we've several people in the "OP" group that have mod power. Disclaimer : I'm in that group but I don't use the abilities for much more than adding Emoji's. I'm more a minor dev with a bit less tact than the others.