I'm interested in getting some general information about the specialized client that's used only by GMs. It would be greatly appreciated if someone would share their knowledge.
The following is a excerpt from the 2006 leaked GM manual. This text is found in section 7.9, pages 53-54. This section is entitled GM Commands.
Section 7.9 continues on to give a partial listing of the GM-Only Commands. This list is found on pages 54-55. There is a different section in this leaked manual about "forbidden commands". I decided to leave that out to stop this post from becoming too long.Within the GM Client, GM commands exist that common players cannot access. This feature allows the GMs to be able to transfer a character, change the running speed of a character, check the information of a character, and more. With these GM commands, GMs can rescue stuck players or respond to harassment or grief tactics. Although this function is necessary in GM operations, using the function in an inappropriate matter may result in negative influence within the game world. All GMs need to understand the function and purpose of using the GM commands. Please be very careful when using the GM commands.
It seems as if there must be a corresponding DLL for each one of the GM-Only commands. Here, I'm using //gm reqpost <t> as an example. It seems fairly obvious that someplace within the installation of the GM-Only client there must be a reqpost.dll... If this is inaccurate, clarification would be greatly appreciated.
To the best of my understanding: For the GM-Only command DLL's to work, the character must be flagged as a GM. If a regular player, without the red GM flag acquired and correctly installed (copied them over to the correct directores within the player client) the DLL's still wouldn't work. Without a GM flag, correctly installed GM-Only command DLL's would still be locked and dormant. Again, if this is inaccurate, clarification would be greatly appreciated.