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How do I? Reset Weapon Skill level in DB?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:06 pm
by msulli1355
I was playing with a GM mode character and I used @capskill dagger to instantly boost my dagger skill. My dagger skill was capped for the level the char was, but I didn't have access to all the weapon skills that I should have. How do I reset my dagger skill level to what I was before (I think 125)? I'd be willing to start at Dagger lvl 0 again. I've looked at some of the tables in the DB, but I can't find where weapon skill levels are stored...

Re: How do I? Reset Weapon Skill level in DB?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:22 pm
by diogee
msulli1355 wrote:I was playing with a GM mode character and I used @capskill dagger to instantly boost my dagger skill. My dagger skill was capped for the level the char was, but I didn't have access to all the weapon skills that I should have. How do I reset my dagger skill level to what I was before (I think 125)? I'd be willing to start at Dagger lvl 0 again. I've looked at some of the tables in the DB, but I can't find where weapon skill levels are stored...

Re: How do I? Reset Weapon Skill level in DB?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:58 pm
by PrBlahBlahtson
@capskill doesn't add weapon skills properly, but they'll appear if you change weapons, or unequip/re-equip.

Re: How do I? Reset Weapon Skill level in DB?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:14 pm
by msulli1355
I unequipped my dagger and equipped another one. My weapon skills said "No Abilities Available". Can I not just simply reset it in the DB and relog in?

Re: How do I? Reset Weapon Skill level in DB?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:50 pm
by msulli1355
I ran update char_skills set value=0 where charid=21828; (my charid) and everything seems fine now. As long as it gives me the weapon skills back when I get to the appropriate skill levels. I should look up how that works. The way I would do it is if the user requested to view weapon skills, the program would use the DB object to get a list of weapon skills <= the charid's current skill level. That way the devs could make changes to the SQL files without having to worry about disrupting the program code's functionality. I know a while back I reported that Dagger gets Gust Slash at 40 and Viper Bite at 100 (they were reversed in the DB); I corrected my DB, but when I logged back in, the order of the weapon skills in the list was still wrong. Hmm...

Re: How do I? Reset Weapon Skill level in DB?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:52 pm
by bluekirby0
Weapon skills should be recalculated anytime you:
Change weapons
Change jobs
Gain skill points
Log in

There may be another issue if none of these work for you.