To Zilart and beyond!

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To Zilart and beyond!

Post by whasf » Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:02 pm

Hello --
The project has been kind of stagnant lately with no clear direction on development. Sure, we say we are aiming for Zilart, but just how far along are we and what is left so we can move on to the other expansions?

I need your help!

I would like to get a list of items that people see as missing from the project up to Zilart. Please reply to this post to let me know what basic functions don't work, and what missions / quests don't work or aren't implemented through Zilart.

After I get a list I will prioritize and get with the developers and scripters to get them finished so we can get some progress.

Let me start it off:
  • Monster magic casting
  • Cancelling Auction House Items
  • Delivery box NPCs
  • Blacklists for chat
  • Remembering gear sets when changing jobs
  • Planting/growing system
  • Mog House furniture & layout

-- Whasf

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Re: To Zilart and beyond!

Post by Flunklesnarkin » Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:13 pm

The conquest system still needs tweaking.

It doesn't appear to be possible to change a region's control from one nation to another.

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Re: To Zilart and beyond!

Post by Metalfiiish » Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:25 pm

Monster TP moves! Monster TP moves..Monster TP moves. I have been trying to stress this in nearly every post since I found out last week. As-is the way monsters look for monster TP moves is in inaccurate. Currently when a monster goes to use a monster tp move it looks at the database table and sees what family the monster is and calls ALL moves for that family. The issue is that some monsters (NM's) have special moves that should only be accessible by that NM. If we were to add in special moves then regular monsters would use it too! One move has been added and is showing this exact same symptom.(Sheep Bleat)

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Re: To Zilart and beyond!

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:32 pm

Not sure what constitutes basic, since some of the stuff you listed is a pretty complex undertaking. I'll try to stick to general things instead of specific nits :) Mixed in some bugs that really should be fixed before "basics" are considered complete. Job abilities are also kind of iffy, given the current policy/state.
  • Jump and Steal/Mug use a completely separate animation method that's missing. Add shield bash, depending on when that was implemented.
  • There's no way to have mobs link across the current family system, which may become increasingly relevant if families are used to specify spell pools. Think about NMs with additional TP moves that spawn near non-NMs that don't have those moves. Bug 279 is related. Specific example: King Vinegarroon would need his own pool, and would not link with any other scorpions in Western Altepa.
  • Pets depop on zone.
  • Monsters can't spawn (or respawn) pets. Implementing this may be easiest via the same AI that tells monsters to buff themselves, i.e. magic.
  • All monsters link via sound at the moment.
  • Semi-related, truesight = truesound at the moment. Bug 89.
  • Weapon additional effects, et al. Needs proc rate, effect, and potency. Lack of data is going to become a problem in implementing these, but when has that held the project back?
  • HP/MP% latents only work if the item is equipped while the player meets conditions, and stop working entirely once the conditions aren't met. See: Muscle Belt.
  • Certain cutscenes still can't be chained together. For example, ZM5 should play 32001, then 7 (crashes client due to missing NPCs, I have >90% accurate look data if needed for testing, leaves you at a black screen regardless), then 8 and end.
  • TP moves can't be made conditional (i.e., Spike flail only if enmity from behind, AV only uses Familiar/Astral Flow if Wynavs present, Omega's TP move list changes as HP is reduced)
Non-zilart, but I may be wrong about the age and some may be relevant anyway:
  • Relics don't have their damage multipliers, and I'm pretty sure there's no existing way to implement that. Might be able to slip this in via additional effects.
  • Item sets are kind of sketchy, and I think there's a few that just can't be done as-is. No examples come to mind atm.
  • Blade/Weapon bash. Possibly shield bash.
  • Elemental siphon
Okay, I think that's enough for now. If I think of anything else, I'll either edit this post or make a new one. I left out things like BLU and PUP because those are colossal undertakings in and of themselves, and they're long after Zilart.
Monster TP moves, etc
Hmm, two different ways of solving that problem, now that you've mentioned it :D Either give monsters a familyID and (optional?) tp pool ID, or give families a "base" family ID so that all Coeurl subfamilies are Coeurls, for example. It'll also need to be solved for magic, potentially. I think that's a keeper.

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Re: To Zilart and beyond!

Post by link » Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:54 pm

My vote goes with Steal + remaining Thf AF quests

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Re: To Zilart and beyond!

Post by PrBlahBlahtson » Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:04 pm

Someone actually did something with Steal not too long ago. I noticed it the other night and I've been meaning to take a look at it. Doesn't address the animations, but might actually address the whole "does nothing."

Post-test, Steal only seems to be fetching values from the database with droptype = 2, and printing the result to the game_server log. No success/failure rate as near as I can tell, and the item isn't added to your inventory. No message, either. There'd need some decent data on success rate to get a proper implementation, but after that it's just a matter of filling the holes in the database. Who wants to dig through Bluegartr? :lol:
Last edited by PrBlahBlahtson on Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To Zilart and beyond!

Post by Flunklesnarkin » Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:42 pm

Monsters being able to roam seems like a good goal to aim for also.

It's one of the first things every new player to the project will notice.

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Re: To Zilart and beyond!

Post by Metalfiiish » Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:45 am

I think Diatanato is working on this...see:

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Re: To Zilart and beyond!

Post by whasf » Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:09 pm

* Clean up airship/boat code so you can craft/emote, etc without it crashing or getting stuck in a cutscene
-- Whasf

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Re: To Zilart and beyond!

Post by whasf » Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:09 pm

This thread will close on Friday Oct 12th at 8PM, so get your comments in by then please
-- Whasf
