I was wondering how i would go about naming my Wyvern name under Navicat since im gm for my own server. So far i found out there are some Navicat tables for char pet and name as here
Under the tables "char_pet" and "char_pet_name i see Wyvern id's and not sure what im suppose to do there.
Dragoon job
Re: Dragoon job
I don't believe you can set a custom name to your pet, have to use the predefined list from FFXI itself.
Fouvia in Norg at F-7 can change your wyvern's name.
Mine is named Celeste and her wyvernid is at 87 under the char_pet.sql
Fouvia in Norg at F-7 can change your wyvern's name.
Mine is named Celeste and her wyvernid is at 87 under the char_pet.sql