Spawning Tiamat....
Spawning Tiamat....
Cant seem to get Tiamat to spawn with @spawnmob 16806227
Everyother monster so far spawned fine... This one doesnt spawn at all. Am i missing something?
Everyother monster so far spawned fine... This one doesnt spawn at all. Am i missing something?
Re: Spawning Tiamat....
Try making a command, this one works for me.
cmdprops =
permission = 1,
parameters = "iiii"
function onTrigger(player)
SpawnMob('16806227'); -- Tiamat
cmdprops =
permission = 1,
parameters = "iiii"
function onTrigger(player)
SpawnMob('16806227'); -- Tiamat
Re: Spawning Tiamat....
Just a very small part of my NM Respawn command, but you get the idea.
Re: Spawning Tiamat....
Thanks brother, I shall try this! I'm sure it will work.
Re: Spawning Tiamat....
I don't know, the command is right.... He's just not spawning at all.. and It doesn't even say Tiamat is already spawned like all the others.
Re: Spawning Tiamat....
SpawnMob takes an integer value, not a string. Doing this wont do anything:
Remove the quotes and use a number directly.
Code: Select all
SpawnMob('16806227'); -- Tiamat
Re: Spawning Tiamat....
ok the problem isn't the command.. I know the command is right., it spawns other mobs.. Tiamat however just Does not spawn
even with just @spawnmob 16806227 he doesnt pop.
even with just @spawnmob 16806227 he doesnt pop.
Re: Spawning Tiamat....
is it possible that i'm missing a .dat file somehow in my ffxi installation? causing tiamat not to spawn because there is no info?
Re: Spawning Tiamat....
You could try rebuilding, and also re-import mob_spawn_points.sql
Re: Spawning Tiamat....
@spawnmob 16806227 0 30