Customizing some very specific things.

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by masterurat » Sun May 11, 2014 5:28 pm

Ok I was able to remove almost everything, but there is 1 last thing evading my attempts, and that is the fact that Raise II can drop from a coffer in quicksand caves.

I am seeing in treasure.lua, at 208(quicksand caves) {} that the items drop table is empty. Am I correct in presuming that the scroll of Raise II just hasnt been added yet? I want to be absolute sure that people can't obtain this scroll on my server, and this is the last source of raise/reraise left for me to take out of the server.

Furthermore, I did a ctrl+f for 4621 (raise 2s ID) as well as 120D (its hexa) and didnt find either in treasure.lua.

So am I correct in that raise 2 just isnt in the loot list for this coffer and was missed, and I am safe? :)

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by kjLotus » Sun May 11, 2014 6:52 pm

masterurat wrote:signatures are an array of int8s, am I correct in presuming these correspond to ASCI values?
nope, they are 6 bit characters. use EncodeStringSignature and DecodeStringSignature (utils)

coffers: might be in a db table, i don't know

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by Signature » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:19 am

So, i've been trying to mess around with this... and no matter what I do, I can not get any augments on any body piece.... Where does this code go exactly, and what else am i missing? I figured this was in the item_armor.cpp but its not adding augments.

How can i get augments to be auto added to items upon entry into inventory. I must be missing an important detail. please explain this in a little more detail. Thank you

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by kjLotus » Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:12 am

@additem already has support for augments, check the script for it

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by Signature » Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:02 am

Ok so with @additem when I add an Augment, The pink augment tag shows up on item, But there are no stats displaying or even working. What am I missing?

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by Signature » Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:07 am

Nvm, figured it out but The Augment values show up on page three of item, But it looks like the stats arent actually added to your stats in green +numbers.

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by Signature » Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:46 am

Seems that the added stats have no effect on your players current stats.

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by Signature » Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:46 am

Problem solved..... Had to change the source code in item_armor.cpp and item_armor.h to define ApplyAugment

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by masterurat » Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:24 am

I want to add a new system to my server, not sure how to implement it.

I worked it out in my head, shouldn't be hard to impliment. I want to have all drop rates start at 100%, then reduce down to their normal amount every time the monster is killed.

I realized this is actually not that hard to do.

Create a copy of both drop tables (bcnm/mob drop lists)

Name them as follows:

Then set all values in bcnm_loot and mob_droplist to 100%, all of them. Thats also pretty easy.

Then code wise, the relevant parts I see are in getChestItems inside of instanceutils for BCNM and CAIMobDummy::ActionDropItems()

All I do is prerecord the list and listmin

Then I check if there is a difference between the two values (so first kill the list might be 100% but lootmin is 5%)

If they are different, droplist = floor((droplist-droplistmin)/2) + droplist

Halves the difference between the two, after 5-6 kills the drop rate will level back to normal.

To prevent spamming mysql calls, if the values are the same already the program carries on as if nothing happened.

Simple, no?

Anyone know if there is an even easier way?

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Re: Customizing some very specific things.

Post by soulsin » Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:03 am

Have to ask, how did you get show up your augments on the gear. I get mine to show the pink aug bubble just no stats listed on the gear or weapons.
[GM] Soulsin

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