I am looking to understand and edit traits. For example, looking at the store_tp.lua file, it shows the MOD_STORETP,getPower(). Where is the getPower() call pulling the value from? There is also onEffectTick(target,effect). Where are these values stored/edited?
I'm not a programmer, so I haven't been able to track this backward to where all of these values are pulled from. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Editing Traits
Re: Editing Traits
traits don't have scripts, sounds like you're poking around in effects
Re: Editing Traits
True, it's effects like "Store TP+1" that are on equipment. I'd like to be able to edit how much TP each Store TP+1 adds, or how much HP/MP a tick the added Regen/Refresh effects in armor give. My hope was that any changes wouldn't need to be made at each piece of equipment, which would mean editing the effects themselves.
Re: Editing Traits
ehh, you can modify the addModifier function in the core if you want to do that