This may be in the wrong forum and if it is i apologise.
Im trying to get the @setpvp command working, but for the life of me cannot work it out. I have tried:
@setpvp 'charname' 1 (my logic is that '1' was on and '0' was off)
@setpvp 'Charname' 'Zone Id' (maybe this will toggle pvp for the zone)
I have tried both of these and when i select a friendly target, the 'Chat' command has been replaced with 'Attack', However i am greeted with the message 'You cannot attack that target'
Can someone please tell me how to correctly use this command. I have looked everywhere on google and cannot find a proper execution.
Just a little command help
Re: Just a little command help
setpvp doesn't work anymore - it will return properly with ballista
Re: Just a little command help
Oh thats a shame. Thanks for the help.
Re: Just a little command help
It was removed because the implementation was half-assed to say the least, which caused the server to crash when specific things would happen against a player. Such as if you got a crit, certain spells with effects, etc.