Rank 9.1 San d'oria

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Rank 9.1 San d'oria

Post by musenoss » Wed Apr 15, 2015 5:37 pm


I wanted to do this quest, but the first "???" it does not give me keyitem
(FIGURE OF TITAN ==> ID 483). I review the scripts but I have not found where the problem was coming. but tries to add me an item instead of a keyitem.

Do you know where it's from?

qm2.lua (it was qm1.lua but it did not fit)

Code: Select all

function onTrigger(player,npc)
	if(player:getCurrentMission(SANDORIA) == BREAKING_BARRIERS and player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 1) then

Code: Select all

FIGURE_OF_TITAN                          = 483;
thank you

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Re: Rank 9.1 San d'oria

Post by Delaide » Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:17 pm


Code: Select all

player:getVar("MissionStatus") == 1)
is checking for a variable called "MissionStatus". You can see if you have that variable in your database by checking the char_vars table.
If you do not have anything named MissionStatus, then the variable did not get added/introduced/whatever. Maybe you started it when it checked something different, I am not sure. Or maybe it never got added properly in the first place, or got wiped. It is hard to tell with these.

To troubleshoot, I would recommend first making sure you have the mission in your client (Check current missions and make sure it shows this mission name):

Code: Select all

Then, if you are on that mission, but the MissionStatus is not in your dspdb, then you can add it, making sure to spell it exactly the same as the script (Including caps/lower case), and set value to 1, then retest to see if it work.

If it doesn't work, then there is a different problem. If it works, then go to the previous step in the mission and check to see if MissionStatus gets set.

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Re: Rank 9.1 San d'oria

Post by musenoss » Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:06 am

Thank you for your answer

I did several test:
When i check the "???" before i have MissionStatus = 1 and after i have MissionStatus = 2 ,so it goes well with the condition.

i try to change the key item "FIGURE_OF_TITAN" by 0x1E3 or 483 (cf attachement) not work, and i try to change by other keysID, It adds an other item has room to add a key item.

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Re: Rank 9.1 San d'oria

Post by Delaide » Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:22 am

Did you check to see if you have the key item in your inventory? If it was already there, it won't give you again. I have found that out when I scripted a quest. I don't see anything else broken with this code.
Maybe you can check the script for the next mission step, see if that works properly?

But you don't need to change they key, it is correct, unless there is a mistake in the hex code, meaning a mistake in the number itself.

Sorry, if you can't get it to work, you might need to go to IRC and ask. Or wait for someone more qualified than me, I am not very good at this stuff yet.

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Re: Rank 9.1 San d'oria

Post by musenoss » Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:02 pm


Ok. I think I found the solution.

qm1.lua is for pop Adamantoise or Aspidochelone not for the rank 9.1 you have actually 2 in 1 .
https://github.com/DarkstarProject/dark ... cs/qm1.lua

the true "???" is qm2.lua and this is for rank 9.1 san d'oria and this point return message with id = 6381 but in this page we can see is 6385
https://github.com/DarkstarProject/dark ... extIDs.lua

i push that on git.

Thanks !

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Re: Rank 9.1 San d'oria

Post by uwill99 » Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:29 am

Thanks musenoss, that definitely fixed the first statue for me, did you have the same problem on the third (the one in Batallia Downs?) I'm getting the same problem as the one in Valley of Sorrows.

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