Vrtra private server (Closed)
Re: Vrtra private server now open!
Having login errors. Made my character, in nothing but a black screen that's constantly loading. Can't properly delete a character either. I deleted one, and it some how came back. Tried to login and it crashed.
Re: Vrtra private server now open!
Hey there, Not sure if your problem has been solved yet? If not please make a post on our server forum for help. The server is up and running with no problems though o.o
Re: Vrtra private server now open!
I was going to try the server out, except that I'm running the latest client... so... anytime I talk to an npc, I turn into a chocobo lol. I guess I'll wait until the new bugs get ironed out before I try again 

Re: Vrtra private server now open!
We will be update sometime this weekend so please check us out.
Re: Vrtra private server now open!
We are updated to the latest version =)
Re: Vrtra private server now open!
Server is down and forums are offline? Migrating host?
Re: Vrtra private server now open!
Everything is up and running
Re: Vrtra private server now open!
Wannabc5 wrote:Everything is up and running
No it's not. The website is dead.
Re: Vrtra private server now open!
the link in op & ip address to server both work for me
Re: Vrtra private server now open!
Curly's Server Review
I've taken the liberty to break down my reviews this time. On a 1-10 Scale. 1 being the worst. 10 being the best. I am also using a new review format for the servers I review. Which goes as follows. Keep in mind this is my opinion of the server from my own experience. Yours may differ. Thank you.
Job Balance
Custom Content
Fun Factor
Final Thoughts
Community - 2/10
Not many players (as of yet) on the server. But those who are on the server tend to keep to themselves and don't wish to have any real interaction. However there has been a small stream of players who come on, but the social aspect of peer-to-peer relations isn't really there. The foundation for players to group up and do content isn't yet established, and the players that are there are very distant from one another. The future holds the truth of what may come of the community, but for now. It's staying at a 2 out of 10.
Staff/GMs - 1/10
Staff are very loose here, they don't pay much attention to the players when asked direct questions. It is left up to the players to do a lot of the problem solving on their own even with new players. The staff or GM's in this case have a bad wrap of making changes to classes/items and they don't speak about it at all with the players. As it effects the live side of the server. In my most humble opinion, they need to pay more attention to the players as a whole. There is a very distant relationship between players and GM which if not filled will drive players away from their server. Also problems handled by the staff here about the server are handled rather poorly, turning issues into personal vendetta's, which is not something any GM should be doing when running a server.
PvE - 6/10
PvE has always been the main squeeze of Final Fantasy 11 Online. However on this private server it seems to be a bit more "challenging" than most. The party system plays a big role here, however most jobs can level up fairly easily to 30 on their own and can take down most mobs. At around 60+ is where players should start partying up for experience run. PvE here is challenging, yet fun because the fights are tougher than retail, but still rewarding.
Job Balance - 4/10
The jobs aren't too balanced. It seems casters have more of an edge in the PvE scene more than melee do. This becomes rather troublesome since there are mobs which are immune to magic damage but take physical damage. The balance of Melee to Magic should be looked at in all retrospects and given a fair amount of treatment in order to make sure all jobs are included in end-game to mid-game content.
Custom Content - 2/10
Most of the content here is vanilla, not much to explore and whatever custom content is available has already been replicated in other servers. So it more or less comes down to a cookie-cutter design,, which I believe this server can very well reach from if they try and are more into that kind of path. Custom content is what sets apart most FFXI Private servers as each server has their own hook, which snags and reels a player in, the lack of custom content is going to harm the server's growth in the long run as there are already servers that are either custom or vanilla (retail) in a sense so this would be just a carbon copy of another server that already exist. However this server is still very much new and we've yet to see it's full potential for the future!
Economy - 10/10
Money is of no short value here and is easily made. Mobs have a 100% drop rate on money, but as levels increase, the amount dropped dwindles. However this is easily fixed by moving to the appropriate zone for the players level. A drop of 10k Gil per mob is enough to get any new player up and running especially in the starting zone. Also with a full auction house that is stocked around the clock, players can gear up easily for their level while continuing to line their pockets with jinglyshines.
Fun Factor: 5/10
The old bits of nostalgia are there, and there is much fun to be had within the first few hours of the server when you get inside. Being able to slap mobs around at Level 1 with the custom food is fun. But it dies off pretty quick when you've been at it for a good while, as it goes with any MMO. The grind is there that's always been in any traditional FF Experience. But with the help of the Anniversary Custom ring, leveling becomes a breeze, however there is no real room for players to go back and skill up on their own as the auto-skill up function is in place and prevents this. While this may be a nice boon for some, it however eliminates the need to form a skill up party with anyone and makes the "lone wolf" factor more apparent the further the player goes own the rabbit hole.
Final Thoughts
The server is "alright" in terms of playing, however the GM's really need to be more in touch with their community. The sense of balance between jobs is completely off and doesn't really dictate a sense of "accomplishment" when turning over mobs for experience. The overall community...is kind of just there, but nobody really engages in social activity and everyone goes about doing their own thing, which would at end-game make it difficult to get anything done. The custom content is just a variety of @commands like any other server has and the only real perk is the Salvage Shop. This would be a server I'd play for about a good two weeks before moving onto something that holds more accomplished values instead of it being spoon fed to me on a silver plate.
- Curly
I've taken the liberty to break down my reviews this time. On a 1-10 Scale. 1 being the worst. 10 being the best. I am also using a new review format for the servers I review. Which goes as follows. Keep in mind this is my opinion of the server from my own experience. Yours may differ. Thank you.
Job Balance
Custom Content
Fun Factor
Final Thoughts
Community - 2/10
Not many players (as of yet) on the server. But those who are on the server tend to keep to themselves and don't wish to have any real interaction. However there has been a small stream of players who come on, but the social aspect of peer-to-peer relations isn't really there. The foundation for players to group up and do content isn't yet established, and the players that are there are very distant from one another. The future holds the truth of what may come of the community, but for now. It's staying at a 2 out of 10.
Staff/GMs - 1/10
Staff are very loose here, they don't pay much attention to the players when asked direct questions. It is left up to the players to do a lot of the problem solving on their own even with new players. The staff or GM's in this case have a bad wrap of making changes to classes/items and they don't speak about it at all with the players. As it effects the live side of the server. In my most humble opinion, they need to pay more attention to the players as a whole. There is a very distant relationship between players and GM which if not filled will drive players away from their server. Also problems handled by the staff here about the server are handled rather poorly, turning issues into personal vendetta's, which is not something any GM should be doing when running a server.
PvE - 6/10
PvE has always been the main squeeze of Final Fantasy 11 Online. However on this private server it seems to be a bit more "challenging" than most. The party system plays a big role here, however most jobs can level up fairly easily to 30 on their own and can take down most mobs. At around 60+ is where players should start partying up for experience run. PvE here is challenging, yet fun because the fights are tougher than retail, but still rewarding.
Job Balance - 4/10
The jobs aren't too balanced. It seems casters have more of an edge in the PvE scene more than melee do. This becomes rather troublesome since there are mobs which are immune to magic damage but take physical damage. The balance of Melee to Magic should be looked at in all retrospects and given a fair amount of treatment in order to make sure all jobs are included in end-game to mid-game content.
Custom Content - 2/10
Most of the content here is vanilla, not much to explore and whatever custom content is available has already been replicated in other servers. So it more or less comes down to a cookie-cutter design,, which I believe this server can very well reach from if they try and are more into that kind of path. Custom content is what sets apart most FFXI Private servers as each server has their own hook, which snags and reels a player in, the lack of custom content is going to harm the server's growth in the long run as there are already servers that are either custom or vanilla (retail) in a sense so this would be just a carbon copy of another server that already exist. However this server is still very much new and we've yet to see it's full potential for the future!
Economy - 10/10
Money is of no short value here and is easily made. Mobs have a 100% drop rate on money, but as levels increase, the amount dropped dwindles. However this is easily fixed by moving to the appropriate zone for the players level. A drop of 10k Gil per mob is enough to get any new player up and running especially in the starting zone. Also with a full auction house that is stocked around the clock, players can gear up easily for their level while continuing to line their pockets with jinglyshines.
Fun Factor: 5/10
The old bits of nostalgia are there, and there is much fun to be had within the first few hours of the server when you get inside. Being able to slap mobs around at Level 1 with the custom food is fun. But it dies off pretty quick when you've been at it for a good while, as it goes with any MMO. The grind is there that's always been in any traditional FF Experience. But with the help of the Anniversary Custom ring, leveling becomes a breeze, however there is no real room for players to go back and skill up on their own as the auto-skill up function is in place and prevents this. While this may be a nice boon for some, it however eliminates the need to form a skill up party with anyone and makes the "lone wolf" factor more apparent the further the player goes own the rabbit hole.
Final Thoughts
The server is "alright" in terms of playing, however the GM's really need to be more in touch with their community. The sense of balance between jobs is completely off and doesn't really dictate a sense of "accomplishment" when turning over mobs for experience. The overall community...is kind of just there, but nobody really engages in social activity and everyone goes about doing their own thing, which would at end-game make it difficult to get anything done. The custom content is just a variety of @commands like any other server has and the only real perk is the Salvage Shop. This would be a server I'd play for about a good two weeks before moving onto something that holds more accomplished values instead of it being spoon fed to me on a silver plate.
- Curly
Last edited by Curly on Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.