Can't talk to Camlin or Chat Manual.
Can't talk to Camlin or Chat Manual.
I'm playing on a local server for my own amusement, so to save time, I use Batchrun to get the servers started, as well as to launch Windower. I would like to get some trusts going, as well as get enough points to get some weapons/armor for my character, but so far I'm not having much luck since I can't talk to the two NPCs that concern those things. Also, on an unrelated note, sometimes I turn into a chocobo when talking to people! Is it because I set the speed value too high?
Re: Can't talk to Camlin or Chat Manual.
trusts aren't currently implemented (there's not really much content post CoP implemented at this time as the main focus of the project is content up to CoP)
prolly turning into a chocobo when talking to people cause your client/server needs updating
prolly turning into a chocobo when talking to people cause your client/server needs updating
Click here for a guide on scripting missions.<Giblet[NewBrain]> kj with this first step would be fine on my shit
Re: Can't talk to Camlin or Chat Manual.
I guess I can't complain since the entire point of this is to 1. cheat, 2. read the story...I'll sign up online latter on down the road for the real thing...already got the second code protection device, so...
Until then how do I update the client/server? I followed everything from the this guide, so I hope everything is up to date:
Also, just a tip, but using Batchrun is an easy way to get things started. One click and it starts the two applications, and after a 10 second delay (adjustable to whatever you want), launches Windower...if you could can you add it to the wiki? I think it would be a good tip for those who play locally, and only at random.

Also, just a tip, but using Batchrun is an easy way to get things started. One click and it starts the two applications, and after a 10 second delay (adjustable to whatever you want), launches Windower...if you could can you add it to the wiki? I think it would be a good tip for those who play locally, and only at random.