I am running a Ubuntu 14.04 server. I have gone through the installation guide multiple times.
I have fixed the errors for missing dev tools when running autogen.sh and then make.
The problem is I am unable to get dsconnect, dsgame, dssearch to launch. What am I missing. They are not scripts.
All the guide and information I find says that just launching them should launch the server. I have asked people I know for second opinions and they are trying to tell me that screen launches it but that is just a terminal separation application. I know better then that. Maybe I am missing some script or there is some sql command I am unaware of. I admit I am not very good at sql but I am trying to learn.
Please let me know what I can do. When I nano the files it is just a bunch of random ascii characters so I know I can't text edit them.
Not sure if I made a mistake somewhere down the line. But I have tried a couple times and still hit a dead end.
Trying to get the servers to launch - Ubuntu 14.04
Re: Trying to get the servers to launch - Ubuntu 14.04
Nevermind, issue solved itself after a reboot.
Thanks though!
Thanks though!