invisible vermes carnium?

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invisible vermes carnium?

Post by horizon » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:32 pm

I just got through adjusting and correcting some of the database information for mobs in Abyssea Tahrongi, and I'm getting a problem I haven't seen before, and I can't seem to fix it or even identify the reason for it.

Vermes carnium (the little sandworms) are showing up on radar and widescan, but are invisible and cannot be targeted.
if I toggle GM off, I can get them to attack me by resting, and once they have, I can attack them as well, but they remain invisible.

I've verified that the spawn coordinates are correct, so its not that they are spawning above or below the map. I've even despawned them and used @mobhere, and while you can see their blip on the radar appear on top of your position, they remain invisible and cannot be targeted.

They were originally listed in the database with no family ID (group ID: 12951, poolID: 4533), so I set them as the smaller sandworm (size 0, familyID:214 from mob_family_system.sql). I've had to do this for several other mobs like the pachypodium and minhocao, and everything has worked fine for those. There is definitely something unique going on here.

Figuring that there was an error in familyID 214, I've changed their family ID to others that are displaying correctly, such as the larger (familyID:215) sandworm, and even others like pachypodium or thalassinon, and after server reload, there has been no change with any of the alternate attempts.

all of the relevant data in mob_pools matches other properly displaying mobs in the zone, so they aren't hidden or anything that I can tell.

any ideas?

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Re: invisible vermes carnium?

Post by kjLotus » Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:38 pm

they were probably incorrectly given the mob type that regular worms have, and the server is trying to make them burrowed/unburrowed

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Re: invisible vermes carnium?

Post by horizon » Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:55 pm

first off, thanks for always helping out kjlotus, its much appreciated. I haven't gotten a chance to do more digging into this yet, but I will see if I can find some time tomorrow.

On the mention of worms, I've noticed that the rock grinders in abyssea la theine exhibit some silliness such as moving around above ground in a staggered and untargettable state, and then linking in that state and remaining untargettable until they go passive again. Perhaps there are a few settings that aren't quite right there as well.

I know Abyssea isn't really on the current to-do list, but it has been quite a useful learning experience so far.

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Re: invisible vermes carnium?

Post by Delaide » Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:06 am

It isn't really off limits though if you are looking to contribute. I have been trying to check into SoA myself.

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