Removing items... If you're using Navicat for the SQL tables, then you might want to make and save a table that does the deleting for you. "DELETE FROM table WHERE [conditions];". Conditions could be:
itemid = 100
itemid IN (100, 101, 105, 108)
itemid BETWEEN 100 AND 110
itemid > 500
Don't forget your semicolon at the end of each line. Here's some stuff from my customization query, to give you an idea how it can work:
Code: Select all
-- Missing Traits
-- Monk
DELETE FROM `traits` WHERE job = '2' AND name = 'subtle blow' AND level IN (25, 45, 65);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(67, 'subtle blow', 2, 25, 0, 289, 5);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(67, 'subtle blow', 2, 45, 0, 289, 5);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(67, 'subtle blow', 2, 65, 0, 289, 5);
-- Paladin
DELETE FROM `traits` WHERE job = '7' AND name = 'shield mastery' AND level IN (50, 75);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(25, 'shield mastery', 7, 50, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(25, 'shield mastery', 7, 75, 0, 0, 0);
-- Dragoon
DELETE FROM `traits` WHERE job = '14' AND name = 'accuracy bonus' AND level = 50;
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(1, 'accuracy bonus', 14, 50, 0, 64, 12);
-- Summoner
DELETE FROM `traits` WHERE job = '15' AND name = 'resist slow' AND level = 75;
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(59, 'resist slow', 15, 75, 0, 250, 0);
-- Dancer
DELETE FROM `traits` WHERE job = '19' AND name = 'dual wield';
DELETE FROM `traits` WHERE job = '19' AND name = 'evasion bonus' AND level IN (45, 75);
DELETE FROM `traits` WHERE job = '19' AND name = 'accuracy bonus' AND level = 60;
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(18, 'dual wield', 19, 20, 0, 259, 10);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(18, 'dual wield', 19, 40, 0, 259, 5);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(2, 'evasion bonus', 19, 45, 0, 69, 12);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(67, 'subtle blow', 19, 45, 0, 289, 5);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(18, 'dual wield', 19, 60, 0, 259, 10);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(1, 'accuracy bonus', 19, 60, 0, 64, 12);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(67, 'subtle blow', 19, 65, 0, 289, 5);
INSERT INTO `traits` VALUES(2, 'evasion bonus', 19, 75, 0, 69, 13);
Blocking access to the areas... I'm not sure if there's a setting for that, yet. Another option would be to change the zoneip/port for that zone to 0, but then if a player tries to go there, they get stuck. What I'd do is go looking for the zone_line for the entrance (or script, if applicable), and remove that. Again, you might want to make a query that can redo that, in case of future changes.
You can also do something like this to just change values, instead of deleting them entirely:
Code: Select all
-- Abilities
UPDATE `abilities` SET level = '40' WHERE name = 'sekkanoki';
UPDATE `abilities` SET recastTime = '60' WHERE name = 'call_wyvern';