Hi all, I already run my own server and step by step changing from local ip, LAN IP, and now I'm in the stage of settings my server with public IP. I have my pc with server and client running together, and I tried to connect my second laptop to my server, but my second laptop always fails to connect.
What I already tried so far for my second laptop:
-Changed zone ip in navicat under zone_settings
-Open port on my firewall (using private connection, not public one)
- using my LAN ip, local IP, WAN IP, with combination of --hairpin on windower settings
The second laptop never connected and there is an error code FFXI-3001
What did I miss? please help, thank you for your help.
public ip address
Re: public ip address
i apologize I posted this to wrong section, I will move this to troubleshooting section, thank you