Fishing database update

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Fishing database update

Post by EDGECOM » Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:33 pm

I have been working on the fishing database and would like to upload the work I have done..

I have changed the fishing_fish table and added a column named type so the sql querry can be shorted and save sql server crunch time
0 = fish
1= item

I have also updated the water type data as well on all the ones I could fined

I added a fish_monster table with thecolumn:
FMID = Fished up monster ID
Name = Names of monster
Min = Minute level of monster
Man = Maximum Level of monster
Job = job of the monster format is WAR,PLD,DRK if you want to changes it to numbers feel free it was easier for me to use the letters
Family = the family group of the mob example: Crab , Pugil, Leech etc...
Zone = the dec zone id Example: Bastok Mines = 234

and that's about it I added a few new entries to the fishing_fish db I still need to figure out how to handle the gil I might just use a custom message and just give gil using the lua

next project I need to figure out if I can get grid pos so I can make a fresh water and saltwater chart

as you can see I have been bust this past week :)

I do not know if the FMID are good but you might be able to use them IDK
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Re: Fishing database update

Post by kjLotus » Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:39 pm

i think rather than using job,min/max level, family and name, it might be easier to just link it to a mob group/pool (the fished monsters might even already have a group/pool)

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Re: Fishing database update

Post by EDGECOM » Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:24 pm

well I the monsters fished up are a set level range that's why I did it like that I did poke in the database but did not see any that were exact so I just made one but feel free to make it work if you want that's the reason I posted it. or if you want me to try and make a spawn system..

I know there is already a group pool but if you had to make another one most of the work is already done :)

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Re: Fishing database update

Post by EDGECOM » Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:58 am

Quick question what is the log and quest used for because I am going to modify the sql stuffs and need to know :)

also I noticed a thing with the new fish_mobs table it points to edgegra_dspdb with is my test server I forgot to delete the edgegra_ part in the first 2 lines sorry about that if you want I can fix it and reupload it just let me know.

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Re: Fishing database update

Post by Lacrima » Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:54 am

One question about your work related to "EDGECOM Fishing system".

In which paste/folder do I put the packets folder and the C/C++ files?

I'm also interested in your work based on the fishing system. So I need a few directions.

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Re: Fishing database update

Post by Delaide » Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:46 pm

Lacrima wrote:One question about your work related to "EDGECOM Fishing system".

In which paste/folder do I put the packets folder and the C/C++ files?

I'm also interested in your work based on the fishing system. So I need a few directions.
This is an old post, so I imagine much has changed since this was released. It may be better to skip this file. Given you are already asking where to put the files, it may be even more difficult for you to try to get this old code to work, since you would have to do some porting work. Again, recommended to skip this and to instead check the current fishing system.

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Re: Fishing database update

Post by Lacrima » Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:09 am

Thank you for the news, and I would like to know where I can get an updated topic of fishing since I looked around and most of topics related to fishing come from EDGECOM.


In case that I want to put the fishing game has old school was before the direction pad show up, how do I manage it?
Which folder and script I need to change?
Thank you.

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Re: Fishing database update

Post by maxtherabbit » Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:53 am

I experimented with making the old fishing mini game (without the arrows) work

you can get it to work, but after the end of fishing, the client's target HUD breaks until log off :cry:

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Re: Fishing database update

Post by Lacrima » Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:48 am

How about putting 0 stamina on the fish? Will it work?

Thank you for the update :)

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Re: Fishing database update

Post by maxtherabbit » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:19 am

Lacrima wrote:How about putting 0 stamina on the fish? Will it work?

Thank you for the update :)
I'm not sure I understand your question - if you mean "can you fight the fish to 0 and reel it in?" then the answer is yes. But you cannot target any mob or player after that is complete.

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