I have changed the fishing_fish table and added a column named type so the sql querry can be shorted and save sql server crunch time
0 = fish
1= item
I have also updated the water type data as well on all the ones I could fined
I added a fish_monster table with thecolumn:
FMID = Fished up monster ID
Name = Names of monster
Min = Minute level of monster
Man = Maximum Level of monster
Job = job of the monster format is WAR,PLD,DRK if you want to changes it to numbers feel free it was easier for me to use the letters
Family = the family group of the mob example: Crab , Pugil, Leech etc...
Zone = the dec zone id Example: Bastok Mines = 234
and that's about it I added a few new entries to the fishing_fish db I still need to figure out how to handle the gil I might just use a custom message and just give gil using the lua
next project I need to figure out if I can get grid pos so I can make a fresh water and saltwater chart
as you can see I have been bust this past week

I do not know if the FMID are good but you might be able to use them IDK