Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
I hope this is the right place to ask:
I set up a server a bit ago (amazing, by the way. Thanks to all who made it) but I have some questions.
Per instructions in the wiki I only installed the following:
Rise of the Zilart
Chains of Promathia
Treasures of Aht Urghan
Wings of the Goddess
I can't, for the life of me, find any documentations as to what expansion includes what. My questions are:
Are all jobs available with these expansions?
Is it possible to install additional expansions and can it be done after set up or only at set up? (Do I even need them? I don't really are for the story expansions. Just the content).
Are mounts available with this server and if so are they included in these expansions or do I need to install another one? Or do I need to enable them somewhere?
Thanks in advance for any answers.
I set up a server a bit ago (amazing, by the way. Thanks to all who made it) but I have some questions.
Per instructions in the wiki I only installed the following:
Rise of the Zilart
Chains of Promathia
Treasures of Aht Urghan
Wings of the Goddess
I can't, for the life of me, find any documentations as to what expansion includes what. My questions are:
Are all jobs available with these expansions?
Is it possible to install additional expansions and can it be done after set up or only at set up? (Do I even need them? I don't really are for the story expansions. Just the content).
Are mounts available with this server and if so are they included in these expansions or do I need to install another one? Or do I need to enable them somewhere?
Thanks in advance for any answers.
Re: Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
its "safe" to install everything. Expansions not yet coded would simply not work and everything else keeps on trucking man.
jobs many things past 75 don't exist yet, the wiki has info for what JA's and traits do work. pup automaton needs work, one server has it but did it on an older incompatible version of the AI like they were warned not to and doesn't seem to be updating it and sending it back to us. Seekers including the 3 jobs it added has hardly been touched yet.
The project is heavily reliant on user shared contributions, when ppl try to make everything an exclusive to hoard players it means we don't have nice things "out of the box".
(dear server owners: if your server is really fun, your users would stay even if every server had all the same retail-accurate content, and there are always custom things you can do that aren't retail when you need to set yourself apart from the crowd..)
jobs many things past 75 don't exist yet, the wiki has info for what JA's and traits do work. pup automaton needs work, one server has it but did it on an older incompatible version of the AI like they were warned not to and doesn't seem to be updating it and sending it back to us. Seekers including the 3 jobs it added has hardly been touched yet.
which server do you mean? this is the forum of the base project everyone's server runs off, and we don't have mounts yet. any server with working retail mounts has not shared back to the project.Are mounts available with this server
The project is heavily reliant on user shared contributions, when ppl try to make everything an exclusive to hoard players it means we don't have nice things "out of the box".
(dear server owners: if your server is really fun, your users would stay even if every server had all the same retail-accurate content, and there are always custom things you can do that aren't retail when you need to set yourself apart from the crowd..)
Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Re: Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
TeoTwawki wrote:its "safe" to install everything. Expansions not yet coded would simply not work and everything else keeps on trucking man.
jobs many things past 75 don't exist yet, the wiki has info for what JA's and traits do work. pup automaton needs work, one server has it but did it on an older incompatible version of the AI like they were warned not to and doesn't seem to be updating it and sending it back to us. Seekers including the 3 jobs it added has hardly been touched yet.
which server do you mean? this is the forum of the base project everyone's server runs off, and we don't have mounts yet. any server with working retail mounts has not shared back to the project.Are mounts available with this server
The project is heavily reliant on user shared contributions, when ppl try to make everything an exclusive to hoard players it means we don't have nice things "out of the box".
(dear server owners: if your server is really fun, your users would stay even if every server had all the same retail-accurate content, and there are always custom things you can do that aren't retail when you need to set yourself apart from the crowd..)
Thanks for the response.
1: Thanks again. I've seen you posting things around (and on github I think) and I appreciate the work.
2: Yeah, I meant this "project" not this server. I wasn't sure what lingo to use.
3: Thanks for the info about the jobs and everything past 75 not really working. 75 is fine for me anyway.
4: One last question which is unrelated: How do I adjust ability cooldowns? I read somewhere that it's in the abilities.sql file and I made some changes there but they don't seem to be reflected. Do I need to reset mysql or something like that since I think it just runs when the computer is on? Is that not the proper place to make those adjustments? Is there a resource for learning how to do this? I read here: ... on_Options
...but there's no information on adjusting cooldowns. I'm really just interested in lowering cooldowns for a few abilities rather than making a global adjustment.
5: (*Edit) Is there a place that at least explains what the settings in abilities.sql (if that's the right file) do? I may want to change what spells are allowed to target who as well.
Any info is appreciated. Thanks!
Re: Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
changes to SQL files aren't reflected in your live database unless you re-import that data. If you instead modify your live database using something like mysql workbench, crappycat navicat, or heidisql that won't change your files but will take effect in game next time you restart the map server. I prefer to edit the files and reimport so that I can commit my changes to my server branch (fork then make branches, rather than using darkstar master directly - this makes maintenance on your server and sharing changes both much easier)4: One last question which is unrelated: How do I adjust ability cooldowns? I read somewhere that it's in the abilities.sql file and I made some changes there but they don't seem to be reflected. Do I need to reset mysql or something like that since I think it just runs when the computer is on? Is that not the proper place to make those adjustments? Is there a resource for learning how to do this? I read here: ... on_Options
...but there's no information on adjusting cooldowns. I'm really just interested in lowering cooldowns for a few abilities rather than making a global adjustment.
5: (*Edit) Is there a place that at least explains what the settings in abilities.sql (if that's the right file) do? I may want to change what spells are allowed to target who as well.
in the header of the sql file you can find all the field definitions:
Code: Select all
`abilityId` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
`name` tinytext,
`job` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`level` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`validTarget` smallint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`recastTime` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`recastId` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`message1` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`message2` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`animation` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`animationTime` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`castTime` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`actionType` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '6',
`range` float(3,1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0',
`isAOE` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`CE` smallint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`VE` smallint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`meritModID` smallint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`addType` smallint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`content_tag` varchar(7) DEFAULT NULL,
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO `abilities` VALUES (0,'mighty_strikes',1,0,1, **THIS ONE** ,0,0,0,33,2000,0,6,20.0,0,1,300,0,0,NULL);
Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Re: Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
Thanks again. I ended up finding the files and making the changes using crappycat. Or navicat. (I'm not the most versed in this so I feel like Navicat is fine).
I'll have to read your post more closely to figure out what all this forking stuff is and what the benefit is. I see that you say it makes things easier. I just have to understand more so I know that the benefit is to the maintenance procedure.
*Edit - I have to ask because it's a question that has been coming up. I don't know if it was something added in a patch (it sounds like it was) but can avatars skillchain with people within this project?
I'll have to read your post more closely to figure out what all this forking stuff is and what the benefit is. I see that you say it makes things easier. I just have to understand more so I know that the benefit is to the maintenance procedure.
*Edit - I have to ask because it's a question that has been coming up. I don't know if it was something added in a patch (it sounds like it was) but can avatars skillchain with people within this project?
Re: Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
The free edition of navicat was discontinued years ago and has bugs that will never be fixed because of this, just so you know and have been warned.
just so you are aware there are dozens of free and open source programs can do the same thing, just different layouts/presentation than navicat users are accustomed to (like heidisql tabs its interface like chrome/firefox). I use mysql workbench myself.
To fork the project you need a github account. Forking there gives you your own remote trunk on github. Its impossible to share back any changes without a fork because we don't accept patch files anymore.
After that make branches. I recommend leaving the master branch untouched. I have branches for each thing I work on to keep them separate, and a branch that I (used to) run my personal server off so that any custom non-retail stuff did get mixed into my pull requests. master staying untouched makes updates as easy as:
git pull master
That adds any new commits from darkstar's master branch to your fork's current branch.
(alternatively use tortoisegit, right click, select pull off the menu, and point it at darkstar master)
Absolutely DO NOT use githubs web interface to edit files, nor their horrible github app. Those methods will both trash files on us. Making branches form the website is fine though. Remember your branches will always begin life as one to one copy of YOUR master branch, so update your master by pulling ours regularly.
A little more about forks and branches (and an example of adding a remote, so you don't have to type our git url constantly!) : ... epository/
You can also try/practice git right in your browser here:
Once you have the basics of pull and push down, updating and fixing mistakes and getting help when stuck is easy. I pretty much can't help ppl with broken local copies if they don't have a fork and tracking history from git. And usually the broken local copies come from this in the first place with people trying to manually edit their "updates" into their files, so win/win.

To fork the project you need a github account. Forking there gives you your own remote trunk on github. Its impossible to share back any changes without a fork because we don't accept patch files anymore.
After that make branches. I recommend leaving the master branch untouched. I have branches for each thing I work on to keep them separate, and a branch that I (used to) run my personal server off so that any custom non-retail stuff did get mixed into my pull requests. master staying untouched makes updates as easy as:
git pull master
That adds any new commits from darkstar's master branch to your fork's current branch.
(alternatively use tortoisegit, right click, select pull off the menu, and point it at darkstar master)
Absolutely DO NOT use githubs web interface to edit files, nor their horrible github app. Those methods will both trash files on us. Making branches form the website is fine though. Remember your branches will always begin life as one to one copy of YOUR master branch, so update your master by pulling ours regularly.
A little more about forks and branches (and an example of adding a remote, so you don't have to type our git url constantly!) : ... epository/
You can also try/practice git right in your browser here:
Once you have the basics of pull and push down, updating and fixing mistakes and getting help when stuck is easy. I pretty much can't help ppl with broken local copies if they don't have a fork and tracking history from git. And usually the broken local copies come from this in the first place with people trying to manually edit their "updates" into their files, so win/win.
Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Re: Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
Good stuff!
Thanks for the info. I'll look at it closely. I believe I ended up downloading Mysql workbench at some point during the server set up. I'm not to worried about updating the game beyond what it is now as it's a good enough distraction as is but you never know.
I do have one final question (as far as I know. The answer may spark additional questions):
If I go ahead and install those other expansions (mainly Seekers of Adoulin as it's the only expansion I didn't install that has additional jobs) is there some special way to do it? Do I need to repatch again or anything or do I just run the installer from the set up like normal?
I also see an option to "enable" expansions in some of the config files with all the global settings. Is that primarily for disabling expansions or... I guess what does that do if installing the expansions enables them?
Once again thanks for all the help and all the work I see you do around the internets. If I had acces tp and the ability to give you the mount data I would.
Thanks for the info. I'll look at it closely. I believe I ended up downloading Mysql workbench at some point during the server set up. I'm not to worried about updating the game beyond what it is now as it's a good enough distraction as is but you never know.
I do have one final question (as far as I know. The answer may spark additional questions):
If I go ahead and install those other expansions (mainly Seekers of Adoulin as it's the only expansion I didn't install that has additional jobs) is there some special way to do it? Do I need to repatch again or anything or do I just run the installer from the set up like normal?
I also see an option to "enable" expansions in some of the config files with all the global settings. Is that primarily for disabling expansions or... I guess what does that do if installing the expansions enables them?
Once again thanks for all the help and all the work I see you do around the internets. If I had acces tp and the ability to give you the mount data I would.
Re: Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
Its just like before, run installer for that expansion then re-update client and you are good to go. SE's offical installer download on their website contains everything and is the recommended way to install, but it is possible to extract individual expansions installers form it using 7zip (right click, open archive).
The one in the lobby conf just controls the "lighting up" of installed expansions and nothing more. The settings in scripts\globals\settings.lua will enable or disable content in game.
The one in the lobby conf just controls the "lighting up" of installed expansions and nothing more. The settings in scripts\globals\settings.lua will enable or disable content in game.
Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Re: Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
I think I got it. I think this because the game starts (it would just close when I tried to open it before updating. I didn't see your instructions until after trying to update it myself). however I now get the FFXI-3331 error.
Some details:
This is a client only machine so it's not the client that the server is on.
The version on other machines with the client on it is Ver.30170329_0. The version on the one I updated is now ver.30170707_0.
From the research I have done it looks like the issue is that the version numbers don't match. Does this mean I have to update the server in some way and any machines that have the client? Or can I somehow roll back the update or change the version info somewhere for the one client that's updated? This is going to have to be done for anyone who has the client so I'm looking for the easiest way.
Once again your feedback is greatly appreciated.
*Edit: Also, if there is some version file that needs to be edited where is it? I see people talking about editing the server side version number but then that would require me to update every client, right? What's the best way to do this? Is it possible to update to an older version number?
*Edit2: My end goal is to just make all the possible jobs accessible. If this is possible without the seekers of adoulin expansion update that would be great. Then all I would have to do is figure out how to roll this one client back.
Some details:
This is a client only machine so it's not the client that the server is on.
The version on other machines with the client on it is Ver.30170329_0. The version on the one I updated is now ver.30170707_0.
From the research I have done it looks like the issue is that the version numbers don't match. Does this mean I have to update the server in some way and any machines that have the client? Or can I somehow roll back the update or change the version info somewhere for the one client that's updated? This is going to have to be done for anyone who has the client so I'm looking for the easiest way.
Once again your feedback is greatly appreciated.
*Edit: Also, if there is some version file that needs to be edited where is it? I see people talking about editing the server side version number but then that would require me to update every client, right? What's the best way to do this? Is it possible to update to an older version number?
*Edit2: My end goal is to just make all the possible jobs accessible. If this is possible without the seekers of adoulin expansion update that would be great. Then all I would have to do is figure out how to roll this one client back.
Re: Mounts, Jobs and Expansions??
update all clients, you can't use a hugely outdated client. when client is "too new" for the server, you can edit the server's "" file but be aware that sometimes you will get in game mistakes - npc's with wrong dialog, cut scenes that get stuck because an NPC it needs has a different ID than it expected. In those cases there is nothing to do but wait till we update. If you get those errors when you client AND server are on the same version as the master branch on github and your server is on the same git revision*, then its bug report time.
We don't have Seekers jobs in the project at this time, but when they are in you would be able to use them even without enabling the expansion..And without even installing in the expansion, since ppl without it can party with ppl that have it on retail so those files have to exist in all clients without it to see the animations etc. Even though there is no harm in just installing everything anyway.
*seriously you need to be using git
We don't have Seekers jobs in the project at this time, but when they are in you would be able to use them even without enabling the expansion..And without even installing in the expansion, since ppl without it can party with ppl that have it on retail so those files have to exist in all clients without it to see the animations etc. Even though there is no harm in just installing everything anyway.
*seriously you need to be using git
Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding