I'm currently trying to fix Sanraku to trigger the ZNM system properly, but I'm having a couple issues:
1. I can trigger all his CS's manually, but he will not react to just the standard enter press
2. I've checked his table, and not just his ID, but all IDs seem to be off by 12 numbers when compared with the wiki list.
(EG, wiki says his number is 16982556, mine says 16982568)
He's not missing, he looks like he's supposed to, his interactions are all there. What am I missing?
EDIT: His script is there and matches latest on the git, and his assistant is functioning properly as well. I just need to connect him to his script it seems.
Need help with fixing broken NPC
Re: Need help with fixing broken NPC
Sounds like NPC IDs shifted again, was there a recent client update?
-- Whasf
Re: Need help with fixing broken NPC
I just installed the server 3 days ago, so if there has been, it's been since then. Should I try updating it?whasf wrote:Sounds like NPC IDs shifted again, was there a recent client update?
Re: Need help with fixing broken NPC
Also, his npcid ingame and his table number correspond on my server, it parses the input from the player, but he does nothing.
Re: Need help with fixing broken NPC
Anyone? Could really use some kind of tool to see what's going on with him........
Re: Need help with fixing broken NPC
check the in game ID of him when your cursor is on him: !getid
Compare the output to his ID in the npc_list table on your server's sql database - the server may think the NPC you are clicking is actually some other NPC if the ID's got moved.
Also check for errors in your console log, his script is working for me on stock master branch after I remove the block comments above and below the code. Make sure you didn't miss something that broke the script, it'll stop it from executing the code and leave him just staring off like NPC Alzheimers.
Hahaha..we didn't ask..You removed the block comment right? He's disabled by default..
Compare the output to his ID in the npc_list table on your server's sql database - the server may think the NPC you are clicking is actually some other NPC if the ID's got moved.
Also check for errors in your console log, his script is working for me on stock master branch after I remove the block comments above and below the code. Make sure you didn't miss something that broke the script, it'll stop it from executing the code and leave him just staring off like NPC Alzheimers.
Hahaha..we didn't ask..You removed the block comment right? He's disabled by default..
Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Re: Need help with fixing broken NPC
Oh hahah yeah I figured it out. Sorry for not updating.