Hello everyone,
I'd like to welcome you all to the newest addition to the private server lineup, Vana Skies.
Some of the details involved in this server are as follows:
-Lvl 99 cap server
-Content is matched with DSP's master branch (what's currently available is what I have available)
-Auction House bot fully operational (sells items at prices listed on ffxiah.com, buys items at that same price, and will then send the gil directly to your delivery box)
-EXP rate 3x retail
-Vanadiel "JP Midnight" has been set to -6.0 which is Central Time in the USA
-No loss of exp upon death
-Level sync enabled
-All job have widescan
-Run speed is set to 70
-Mobs run at normal speed
-Skillup rate 5x retail
-Crafting rate 5x retail
-TP gain 3x retail
-Player HP, MP, and Stats 2x retail
-Mob drop rate 10x retail (this may change depending on server population)
-Mobs drop an extra 10 gil per mob lvl
-Field Manuals and Grounds Tomes enabled
-Level straight to 70, bypassing any limit break quest, fight Maat, then continue leveling to 99, also bypassing any additional limit break quest
-Starting players receive 100k gil
-Inventory bag is set to 80 slots
-All maps unlocked
-All outpost warps unlocked
-EXP and Tabs from FoV and GoV 3x retail
-Weaponskill damage 3x retail
-Wait time on relic upgrades has been reduced to 1 second
-Explorer Moogle enabled and available at lvl 1
-All homepoints enabled and fully heal you on touch
-CoP zone cap disabled
-Dimensional portals unlocked for Sea access
-No wait time for another Cosmocleanse keyitem
-Having any dagger equipped grants access to Rudra's Storm weaponskill
-Lvl 40 BCNM - Royal Jelly implemented (courtesy of Setzor)
I've tried listing everything I could think of that i've tweaked to this server to make the play experience a little more enjoyable. Server uptime is for as long as I leave the computer running. There may be instances where the server will need to be shut down for a short time, just so I can restart the pc. As far as random disconnects go, they should hopefully be very few if any at all. I keep the server current with what DSP has so I'll do routine updates to the server at least once a week. At that time, a server message will be displayed after logging in letting everyone know an update is to be expected and the server will be offline for a short time. I've also created a discord server: https://discord.gg/rQjzkpA for anyone to that wants to join there.
I'll edit this post as needed if more tweaking needs to be done to the settings of the server. Look forward to seeing everyone ingame and have a great day!
Vana Skies now up!
Re: Vana Skies now up!
Just wanted to give everyone an update on the progress of the server and a little insight as to why the server recently got a major overhaul. I downloaded LegionDark's source code, just like I'm sure a lot of people did. It wasn't my original intention to incorporate that code into Vana Skies. I was just going to use the code to setup a personal/solo private server. Well, a couple of players seemed interested in having the code implemented. So i setup a poll to see what the players thought and it was a majority decision to go ahead and pull the code in Vana Skies. I held off from updating the info here for a few days to see if I could even get the server setup. Thankfully, Teo helped out whenever I had a question and much props goes to him for everything he contributed.
One more thing, the original list of tweaks in the post above, A lot of them still work the same as before.
A couple of things that needed to be edited was Rudra's Storm since LD has it setup so you don't have to quest or have a certain weapon equipped. You just need the correct amount of combat skill
The code for the Royal Jelly bcnm was removed as it was causing.
One more thing, the original list of tweaks in the post above, A lot of them still work the same as before.
A couple of things that needed to be edited was Rudra's Storm since LD has it setup so you don't have to quest or have a certain weapon equipped. You just need the correct amount of combat skill
The code for the Royal Jelly bcnm was removed as it was causing.
Re: Vana Skies now up!
STATUS UPDATE 2: Forgot to mention from the previous update. If you had a character from LegionDark and would like to continue using that character, I'm able to do imports of that data into Vana Skies. You'll basically start right where you left off the night before LegionDark shutdown. I have a channel set up on the Vana Skies discord server specifically for this with guidelines pinned to make the import process run smoothly.
Re: Vana Skies now up!
STATUS UPDATE #3: Pull the latest from DSP's master branch this morning into Vana Skies server.
Everyone enjoy and thanks Teo!
Code: Select all
CLIENT_VER: 30180306_2
Re: Vana Skies now up!
Server is officially closed. Thanks for playing.
Re: Vana Skies now up!
Juggalo wrote:Server is officially closed. Thanks for playing.

Hi, I run The Demiurge server.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Re: Vana Skies now up!
That escalated quickly O.o
Re: Vana Skies now up!
Good evening everyone,
After many months I have decided to re-release my server, Vana Skies! To anyone wanting to connect and play, the server address is still the same, --server vanaskies.ml
The discord server is still actively used for the most up-to-date information, https://discord.gg/7YaRaQb which includes all of the major adjustments to the game server.
Thanks and have a good night,
After many months I have decided to re-release my server, Vana Skies! To anyone wanting to connect and play, the server address is still the same, --server vanaskies.ml
The discord server is still actively used for the most up-to-date information, https://discord.gg/7YaRaQb which includes all of the major adjustments to the game server.
Thanks and have a good night,