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by ClanMcCracken » Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:51 am
Hello again everyone. Thanks to your help i've got a private server up an running mostly the way I want it. Now I'm trying to open the server up to the internet so I can play with my friend. But after I made the changes below I was not able to play.
The changes that i made
Code: Select all
Changed all zoneIP's from to my_external_ip via UPDATE zone_settings SET zoneip = 'my external IP';
mysql_host: changed from to my_internal_ip
mysql_host: changed from to my_internal_ip
mysql_host: changed from to my_internal_ip
Opened up ports 54001 - 54231 on my router and forwarded them to my_internal_ip
added <args --server my_internal_ip --hairpin</args>
Was there something I missed, or something I did incorrectly?
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by whasf » Tue Apr 03, 2018 2:24 pm
Looks good at a glance. How far are you able to get when you try to connect? Are you able to select your character, and when it tries to send you to the game server, post logs.
-- Whasf
- Posts: 26
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by ClanMcCracken » Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:53 pm
at first I wasn't even able to launch the servers, but I went into the database and edited the root user 'Limit to host matching:" From localhost to my local_ip
Now I can get all the way to character selection, but when I try to log in it kicks me out with error code FFXI-3305. Here is my log
Code: Select all
[Info] DarkStar - Git Revision Hash: f4525f75f4bd674c32e78e50beb4c202b5c77653.
[Status] do_init: begin server initialization...
- [OK]
[03/Apr] [18:07:09][Status] do_init: map_config is reading - [OK]
[03/Apr] [18:07:09][Status] luautils::init:lua initializing... - [OK]
[03/Apr] [18:07:09][Status] do_init: sqlhandle is allocating[03/Apr] [18:07:10][SQL] DB error - The user specified as a definer ('root'@'localhost') does not exist
SQL: DELETE FROM accounts_sessions WHERE IF(0 = 0 AND 0 = 0, true, server_addr = 0 AND server_port = 0);
- [OK]
[03/Apr] [18:07:10][Status] do_init: zlib is reading - [OK]
[03/Apr] [18:07:10][Status] do_init: loading items - [OK]
[03/Apr] [18:07:11][Status] do_init: loading spells - [OK]
[03/Apr] [18:07:12][Debug] UpdateGuildPointsPattern is finished. New pattern: 3
[03/Apr] [18:07:12][Status] do_init: loading zones - [OK]
[03/Apr] [18:10:31][Status] do_init: server is binding with port 54230 - [OK]
[03/Apr] [18:10:31][Debug] InitializeWeather Finished
[03/Apr] [18:10:31][Status] The map-server is ready to work...
[03/Apr] [18:10:31][Debug] [Lua] Garbage Collected. Current State Top: 0
[03/Apr] [18:13:21][Debug] Message: Received message 0 from message server
[03/Apr] [18:13:21][SQL] DB error - The user specified as a definer ('root'@'localhost') does not exist
SQL: DELETE FROM accounts_sessions WHERE charid = 21828;
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by whasf » Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:00 pm
Is your database on the same server as where you are running darkstar? If so, I'd just change the configs back to since that is messing things up.
Also, thank you for posting the output in a code tag, made it much easier to read

Last edited by
whasf on Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: kudos for code tags!
-- Whasf
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by demolish » Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:23 am
mysql_host should be
the rest your pc's lan ip, besides zone_settings which should be external ip
you'll then need to reserve the ip for your pc in your router settings and forward ports in the wiki to your pc's lan ip
<Giblet[NewBrain]> kj with this first step would be fine on my shit
here for a guide on scripting missions.
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by ClanMcCracken » Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:42 pm
I can log into my server just fine, on both local and LAN, but my friend is having an issue logging in over the internet. She was able to create her character, but when she selects her character she stays on the black screen for 2 min or so before getting a 3001 alarm. I can see her attempting to log on on the server logs, and the logs dont look any different from when I log in, other then it shows her IP address rather than mine, there are no warning or anything to indicate that a setting is wrong. She just isn't able to log in. My windows firewall is off, i've forwarded the ports on my router, all the ZoneIDs are set to my external IP, her settings.xml lists --server myExternalIP... what am I missing?
I'll post the logs when I get home
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by whasf » Thu Apr 05, 2018 5:58 pm
post the logs from lobby and game server from when she's logging in and connecting
-- Whasf