Pros vs. cons of using online database instead of local
Pros vs. cons of using online database instead of local
Wondering if anyone here has any thoughts on the pros and cons of using a mysql database hosting site rather than run the database locally (I run my own server, privately, for me only at home, but thinking about when I am on the go, so I do not need to replicate my database each time).
Re: Pros vs. cons of using online database instead of local
not sure what you mean
the players don't access the database directly, the server processes do (even then assuming it's all local you don't need to change anything)
the players don't access the database directly, the server processes do (even then assuming it's all local you don't need to change anything)
Click here for a guide on scripting missions.<Giblet[NewBrain]> kj with this first step would be fine on my shit
Re: Pros vs. cons of using online database instead of local
Honestly, more curious about it so that I can keep a database I can link my server to from anywhere, then I do not need to worry about localsql. Not sure if it is worthwhile though (then I do not need to dump database every time I want to play on a different computer). So instead of mysql_host:, I can point it at (whatever my online data base provider ip is). But is it worth it to skip the whole SQL dump/import to a new system?
Re: Pros vs. cons of using online database instead of local
You'd have to worry about lag for queries and security. Considering how much the servers hit the db, I don't recommend having the database on the other side of a WAN connection.
-- Whasf