1. dsp/scripts/zones/Quicksand_Caves/npcs/Treasure_Coffer.lua
Issue: Trading Key to Coffer does nothing.
One of the require lines looks for Treasure.lua and not treasure.lua. Should be:
Code: Select all
12: require("scripts/globals/treasure.lua
Issue: OnTrigger Kasim fails.
One of the require line spells Zitah, instead of ZiTah. Should be:
Code: Select all
11: require("scripts/zones/The_Sanctuary_of_ZiTah/TextIDs");
1. completing quest through function player:completeQuest(BASTOK,GHOSTS_OF_THE_PAST) shows up as Smoke on the Mountain in the Quest log.
2. completing quest through function player:completeQuest(SANDORIA,ECO_WARRIOR) shows up as The Crimson Trial.