our server runs quite well,
but i got several requests to change parts of it,i split them a bit
1. subjob equal to main job, i tried the method once mentioned in one tread
Code: Select all
void CBattleEntity::SetSLevel(uint8 slvl)
if (this->objtype == TYPE_MOB && this->objtype != TYPE_PET)
m_slvl = (slvl > (m_mlvl) ? (m_mlvl == 1 ? 1 : (m_mlvl)) : slvl);
if (this->objtype & TYPE_PC)
Sql_Query(SqlHandle, "UPDATE char_stats SET slvl = %u WHERE charid = %u LIMIT 1;", m_slvl, this->id);
2. another request was,allow some JA useable in sub, like benediction as example..
i have no clue where to check for that,i tried via navicat,i tried the scripts,.. clueless,i need a pointer please
3. the last addon isnt in right now,right? i got infos that talking to the lady in lower j. aswell as talking to npcs around that city,doesnt work
(if it isnt its fine,but i could missed something,the setting is 1 for it)
that are all the needed answers for now.
thanks for your time