mixed questions

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mixed questions

Post by Fey » Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:29 am


our server runs quite well,
but i got several requests to change parts of it,i split them a bit

1. subjob equal to main job, i tried the method once mentioned in one tread

Code: Select all

void CBattleEntity::SetSLevel(uint8 slvl)
    if (this->objtype == TYPE_MOB && this->objtype != TYPE_PET)
        m_slvl = (slvl > (m_mlvl) ? (m_mlvl == 1 ? 1 : (m_mlvl)) : slvl);
    if (this->objtype & TYPE_PC)
        Sql_Query(SqlHandle, "UPDATE char_stats SET slvl = %u WHERE charid = %u LIMIT 1;", m_slvl, this->id);
that didnt work

2. another request was,allow some JA useable in sub, like benediction as example..
i have no clue where to check for that,i tried via navicat,i tried the scripts,.. clueless,i need a pointer please

3. the last addon isnt in right now,right? i got infos that talking to the lady in lower j. aswell as talking to npcs around that city,doesnt work
(if it isnt its fine,but i could missed something,the setting is 1 for it)

that are all the needed answers for now.

thanks for your time

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Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:58 am

Re: mixed questions

Post by Delaide » Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:04 pm


Code: Select all

void CBattleEntity::SetSLevel(uint8 slvl)
       if (this->objtype == TYPE_MOB && this->objtype != TYPE_PET)
           m_slvl = (slvl > (m_mlvl >> 1) ? (m_mlvl == 1 ? 1 : (m_mlvl >> 1)) : slvl);
           m_slvl = (slvl > (m_mlvl) ? (m_mlvl == 1 ? 1 : (m_mlvl)) : slvl); // Sub caps to main.
       if (this->objtype & TYPE_PC)
           Sql_Query(SqlHandle, "UPDATE char_stats SET slvl = %u WHERE charid = %u LIMIT 1;", m_slvl, this->id);
(Per the instructions on https://wiki.dspt.info/index.php/Adjust ... _job_level )

2. From my understanding, no, as client checks, but I could be wrong.
The SQL only shows a single job for all job abilities: https://github.com/DarkstarProject/dark ... es.sql#L43
Not sure what you would need to change to enable more jobs to use.

3. Umm, what? You mean Abyssea in general, or Heroes of Abyssea specifically? Abyssea has some things semi done, but it is not complete at all.

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